Chapter One

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The sane woman's checklist for a civilised man

Make sure he is financially stable - People say money isn't everything in a relationship, well
I can vouch that is complete bullocks. Just think of yourself bringing home the bacon and paying for the bill at a nice restaurant while he is picking something out of his teeth. Does this sound attractive? I didn't think so.

He needs to listen! - Ladies no one wants to be partnered with a zombie, especially if the only vocabulary coming out of his pretty little mouth is "yes, no or whatever you say dear" Don't you want guy to challenge you?

To not be afraid of commitment - Be careful to not complicate this with a needy man who looks eagerly for a woman on dating websites. Especially when all his browsing history contains pornography that he only wishes to complete with his minimal figure and all the while he casually searches on wanting a quick shag on the side convincing you that he is dreaming of you both doing naughty things together. Not a pretty sight am I right?

His sanity which effectively means yours I'm afraid - Women are from Venus, men are from Mars. Make sure you pick the right guy to stick with otherwise he could go on that very planet with aubergines, which I personally despise. If his mind is a ticking time bomb each to there own, you might like crazy. Who am I to judge.

Supportive - 3 words: emotionally, physically and mentally. A man could be your Achilles heel if he is not there for you in your time of need.

His features - Eyes can be the gateway to someone's soul and while you have your preferences he should at least have a genuine smile and be able to look you in the eye when having a conversation. Preferably I know I will not be dating a blonde. EVER. AGAIN.

Communication - This is one of the key elements in a relationship and the way you talk to one another is a make or break. You could be one of those couples that shouts the house down and has a passionate romp afterwards, least you get it out of your system. However bottling it up until you are about to burst is hardly healthy and can eventually cause everything you worked so hard for to slip between your fingers.

Humour - There is nothing more attractive than a funny gent. Whether it is dry, witty or quirky - at least he is making the effort to see that beautiful smile of yours. Although there is a time and place of being serious however it never hurts to date a cheeky chap.

Ambition - No one wants a man who does not seek motivation in life and although there is nothing attractive in life than staying in bed and hoping by some miracle you end up with the jackpot (either option could be the lottery or a rich man who is amazing in bed. What? A girl can dream) so you do not have to work ever again, just be careful you aren't the victim of a blood sucker who sees an opportunity to take advantage. Especially if the opposite happens and you end up being the victim.

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