Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

"It's alright." George tried to say but his voice cracked and he started to sob again.

Ashton ran over to him and pulled him into a hug. Seeing his best friend so sad made him sad.

"What happened Georgie?" Ashton asked him. He was about to cry seeing his best friend so sad.

"Ricky kissed me and Michael got mad. He started to yell awful things at me and wouldn't believe I didn't kiss him back. I was really hurt and I'm so stupid but I broke up with him." George cried.

"It was all an accident. I was playing around and I fake kissed him. I didn't know he was dating Michael. I'm so sorry." Ricky apologized.

"It's alright. Go explain that to Michael please. He's downstairs." Ashton ordered. Once he left, he want on. "Michael's devastated. He wouldn't stop crying and kept apologizing. You're going to take him back right."

"I don't know. I don't think he want me. I'm just a piece of shit to him." George spat.

"You're not. You're much more important. If he told you that, it was probably just his anger speaking." Ashton reasoned.

"As if he cares about me. I'm nothing. He himself said it." George cried.


Meanwhile, Ricky tried to explain to Michael he was just playing around and that he didn't know they were dating.

"It's alright. I over reacted. I should have let him explain. This is all my fault." Michael said burying his head in his hands.

"It's not. We should go back home and sort all this out. It'll be fine Michael. He'll take you back, I'm sure of it. Don't talk to him on the ride back home. Give him some space until we get home." Luke explained.

He texted Ashton to come downstairs and get in the car so they could go back home and sort it out.

"It was nice meeting you guys. You post great videos. I hope we can talk to you guys again soon, but we must be going." Luke said standing up and shaking their hands and petting wishbone.

"C'mon Calum. We're going back to the car." Luke said eyeing the kiwi boy who seemed go be blushing.

"Actually I'm gonna stay the night. I'll have Connor drive me back home tomorrow." Calum said with a huge smile. He looked over and Connor who was also smiling and blushing.

"Okay." Luke agreed and gave his bandmate a hug.

He and Michael walked back to the car, Luke's arm around Michael's shoulder. They got in the way back of the van and shut the door. Soon Ashton and a teary eyed George followed and sat in the seats in front of them.

Michael almost broke down in tears as his heart broke seeing George look so broken because of him.

"Isn't Calum coming too?" Ashton asked Luke.

"No, he stayed with Connor." Luke responded.

"Interesting." Ashton smirked.

"Why?" Luke wondered.

"Connor was talking to me about how cute Calum was." Ashton rolled his eyes. "If they get together, I take credit."

"Sure, but I hope they do. That way Calum won't be lonely and mopping around 24/7." Luke laughed.

The car stopped in front of their house and Ashton grabbed George and lead him inside. Luke did the same with Michael and with one look at Ashton he knew exactly what they needed to do. They dragged both of the brokenhearted boys inside their room and quickly pushed them before closing the door and locking it.

The Youtuber (Lashton) (Gay Michael Clifford) (Bisexual Calum)Where stories live. Discover now