Bella x Namjoon

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Requested, where Popular Student!Bella and Hot Smart Student!Namjoon, two best friends, confess their feelings for each other.


Math is not everyone's favorite subject. Especially not Bella Kwon's. She hated that subject, despite her high IQ, she was just an average in Math. Which is why Bella decided to spend her lunch hour, venting to one of her friends about what she didn't understand in math class.

"I don't get why we have to learn shit that we won't be using later in life! Like, who the hell is going to use the square root of matrices to the power of eighteen in real life? No one!" Bella snapped, rolling her eyes when her friend started giggling at her phone. "Are you even listening to me? Nope."

"Sorry, Bella. It's just Daehyun sent me the cutest text ever!" Her friend, Staci, grinned widely from ear to ear. "But I heard some of it! Just ask your best friend to help you!"

"I don't have a best friend."

"Yes you do! Kim Namjoon, remember? The guy you currently have a cru–" Staci began, but Bella was quick to reach across the table and slap her hand over Staci's mouth.

"Shut up!" Bella hissed. "No I don't!"

"Oh please. Like you haven't seen the way he's looked at your fine ass."

"He's been looking at my ass?"

"Not like tha– Well, actually... sometimes."


"Okay. But you know what I mean. Just ask him for help. He's not valedictorian for nothing!" Staci responded.

Bella scoffed. "Oh please. He's too busy for me. He's the hot, smart guy every female in this school wants."

"And you're the hot, popular girl every guy wants to date and every girl wants to be. What's the difference?"

"Staci, stop talking." Bella huffed, poking at her lunch.

Just then, the sound of girls screaming broke Bella away from her thoughts. But she already knew why they were screaming. Entering the cafeteria was Kim Namjoon himself, along with his own couple of friends. He nodded at some of his fan girls, before allowing his eyes to scan the room.

Staci squealed loudly. "Bella! He's looking for you!" Then a gasp. "He saw you! Oh– and he's coming this way!"

Bella groaned in annoyance. She didn't want Namjoon coming over to her, his fans would follow and eventually give her a headache.

"Bella!" And there was his voice.

Bella didn't want to face him. Last week, Bella had caught him with another female out together when they were supposed to go see the new Avengers movie together. It made Bella mad, and she ignored him for quite sometime. But now the streak was ruined, since Namjoon decided to speak to her today.

Slowly, Bella looked up to see Namjoon already standing at her table. He was smiling down at her, looking as handsome as ever. His hair brushed up, glasses sitting on his face with his dimples poking at the sides of his mouth.

"Yes?" Bella questioned, not wanting to be bothered.

"Can I sit with you?"

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