Trust and Horror, Isn't a Good Mix.

Start from the beginning

Back at camp, we made a fire and listened to Gwen talk about the rules of a horror movie.

"Rule number one, do not go off alone. Rule number two, if you do go off on your own, never go in the woods. And rule number three, never ever ever make out in the woods." she made up a chart of all the players and turned around.

"Where's DJ and Owen?" she frantically asked.

"DJ had to take a leak so he took Owen with" Duncan responded, while carving another skull.

Gwen crossed them off on the chart. As Gwen was finishing up the 'x' over Owen, we heard a scream. Gwen took off towards the bathrooms and Bridgette got up.

"I'm getting some food. Be right back. Courtney, come with" she said while walking away. Just as Bridgette and Courtney were out of view, Gwen came back.

"Everything okay?" I asked as she came in to view.

"Yeah. Heather's facial scared the crap out of DJ." she looked around.

"Where's Bridgette and Courtney?"

"They went to get some chow." Duncan responded while catching two sticks on fire.

"Does nobody listen to me!?" Gwen asked while crossing off Heather, Courtney, and Bridgette.

One of Duncan's sticks lit the chart on fire. Gwen and I both screamed and ran to get some water. As we left, I heard Duncan say to himself "And then there was one." When we got back to the fire with some water, Duncan was gone.

"Duncan? Duncan!" I looked over at Gwen who was furious.

"Hey, you wanna get a sandwhich?" I asked while pointing towards the mess hall. She nodded her head and we walked over to the mess hall.


"And then there was one."

After the girls left, I heard someone whispering my name. "Duncan.... Duncan..... Duncan.... Juvie.... Juvie..... Juvie..."

"It's just you and me psycho"

I got up and headed to the docks. There he was. The psycho was standing on the docks staring at the water.

"Oh, this is gonna be good. Come and get it, Goalie Boy."

The psycho turned around and revved his chainsaw. I began throwing things that were around me. He used his chainsaw to cut everything in half. He even cut a lifevest. Finally, I threw a fish in his face because I ran out of things to throw. He cut the dock by my feet and I kicked the hockey stick that was holding his chainsaw. He lifted his hook at me, but I grabbed his chainsaw and cut it off.

"HA! You thought you could scare me? Now let's see who's behind the mask."

After I took the mask off, we walked back to the safe base. "Someone loose this?" I asked while walking in with Chef.

"Nice going Duncan!" Bridgette said while high fiving me. We looked at the screen and saw Clover and Gwen in the mess hall with a man standing behind them. He had a psycho killer vibe, because he had a hockey mask, with a chainsaw and a hook for a hand.

"Wait. If Chef is here, then who's in the lodge with Clover and Gwen?!"

"IT'S A REAL PSYCHO KILLER WITH A HOCKEY MASK, A CHAINSAW, AND A HOOK FOR A HAND!" we all yelled out simultaneously, then ran out towards the mess hall.


When we got to the mess hall, we made a few sandwhiches and sat down to talk.

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