The Letter

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Hi! So this is my first story but I think it will come out incredible! But if that didn't tell you, I'm not much of a writer so if you have any pointers or helpful tips please feel free to comment or shoot me a message. ;) *Disclaimer: I'm using the same setup as the TV show "Total Drama Island".*

Any who let's get right into the story then! :)

Chapter 1

It was a warm summer's day and I went out to check the mail. I am a fairly tall girl, I wear glasses and have medium length black hair with red streaks, and have dark violet eyes. I scanned through the envelopes and noticed one for me, I quickly open it and scaned the letter. "Dear Clover, We are proud to accept your letter application to participate in the reality TV show that is hosted somewhere in Canada! Please meet your boat at the border between your state and Canada by 3pm this afternoon. You will be sharing a cabin with your teammates and competing for $1 million dollars. The camp will last 8 weeks. We are proud to announce that the competition will take place at Camp Wawanakwa and the challenges will be hard but doable. Thank you for applying and we hope to see you soon! Signed Chris McLean."

I stood there in shock and thought about the letter "Wait but I didn't apply for this camp who could've sent th-." But before I could finish my thought I heard my phone go off, I quickly turned around to look and see that it was my best guy friend Austin. "Hey, what's new?" I answered "Did you get it did you get it did you get it?" "Get what?" "The letter you idiot" "The le- IT WAS YOU!" He laughed and quickly exclaimed "Well duhhh! You kept talking about how you thought it looked fun so I thought why not?" I stared off into space while he rambled on I kept thinking about the letter and how Austin sent the application letter pretending to be me. "Hello? Earth to Clover!!!" "Huh? oh sorry what was that?" "I saiiid that you better hurry up and pack if you want to make your boat. I'll be there at 2:30." *CLICK*

"Wow not even a goodbye. Fine be that way!" I scoffed and trudged up the stairs and got packed for 8 stinking weeks as soon as I zipped up my suitcase, packed my guitar and left a note for my family I heard a honk outside I looked out of my window and saw a familiar car. I instantly assumed it was Austin so I went outside with my stuff and saw that it was my best girl friend Stella, she got out of her car and noticed my bags she looked kind've disappointed and I told her everything. "WHAT?! YOUR LEAVING?!" "Just for two months I'll be back in no time" Stella was a fairly tall girl, she always had the newest fashion and has long blonde hair. She looked at me and nodded we hugged and she told me that she would be watching and rooting for me. She got back in her car and as she drove off she yelled "Win big for me!!" I chuckled and rolled my eyes as I walked back inside to wait for Austin. After a while I heard a honk outside I got up and went to the door I saw Austin standing outside of his car. I walked outside with my stuff and he helped me get them in the car. Austin is a tall boy he has short dirty blonde hair and he's always wearing these blue shoes that he got like 3 years ago.

"Well you ready?" He looked at me before starting the car "I guess so" He made a puzzled look and said "What do you mean you guess so?" I looked at him and started to say "You know how I am aro-" "Yayaya you get really nervous around new people and don't like to socialize but you'll be fine." "I believe in you" he said as we drove off. I looked out of my widow with tears in my eyes I could tell that he kept glancing at me and so I finally spoke up and said "I'm sorry that I kinda freaked out on you but I'm just a little nervous." He nodded with acceptance and turned on the radio. It felt like the drive took hours but it wasn't very long. When we got to the border I showed the guard my passport and they pointed us towards my boat. I got my stuff loaded onto the boat and then went to say goodbye.

"Well Austin I guess this is it for the next two months." Austin looked at me with hurt and happiness in his eyes "Have fun out there bud I'll be watching and rooting from back home." I looked at him with sadness in my eyes and hugged him. We hugged for what felt like days but I knew it was only a few minutes I had tears in my eyes as I got on the boat.

He watched from the dock and waved goodbye the boat honked its horn and took off. I stood on the bow of the boat and watched as my city quickly disappeared behind us. I was in tears as I looked up at all the sights we were passing. I looked down at the picture I had printed out a year ago of Austin, Stella, Danny, Tucker, Sokka, Elena and me I smiled as I remembered that crazy day with my "squad". I noticed that the boat was going awfully slow, I just shrugged and forgot about it and went back to looking at the sights.

After a while I realized that nothing looked familiar and I went to go ask the captain where we were and where we were going. "I cannot tell you where we are going but I can tell you that we are now in Toronto." "Only Toronto?!" I thought, the captain looked at me and I nodded and said my thanks. I went back out to the bow of the boat and noticed a chair. I sat down, put in my headphones and fell asleep. About an hour and a half later I woke up, "We must be close to the camp by now." I thought, I went to the very edge of the bow and felt a sudden jerk. I grabbed the railing and looked around "What the?" "Ma'am are you ok?" I whirled around and saw the Cabin boy standing behind me with a worried look.

He was tall with short dark brown hair. I looked him up and down before responding "Yes I'm fine, but what happened?" He looked at me with confusion and said "I'm not sure but we will be moving again very shortly." He left before I could answer, I looked around and saw nothing but trees I heard someone yelling from behind me. I turned around and saw the captain yelling at the mechanic, I just assumed that it had something to do with the boiler and didn't bother to eavesdrop. One thing lead to another and I felt a sudden jerk again as the cabin boy came running out. " We're moving again ma'am please enjoy the rest of the ride!" and ran off.

I chuckled as I turned back around and noticed that we were moving a little faster than before "Finally maybe now we can actually get there today." I muttered to myself. I noticed a strange place off in the distance I turned around and saw the cabin boy walking up to me "So are you nervous?" "Meh I mean I guess but not as much as I thought I'd be." He just looked at me and i said "So do you know where we're going?" "Yup! we're going to Camp Wawanakwa!" I looked at him and back at that place.

He must've noticed me looking, because he said "Oh that place over there isn't the camp, the camp is close thou-" "BRANDON GET BACK IN HERE AND HELP ME!!!" "Sorry gotta go, if I don't see you before you get off Good Luck!" He yelled as he ran off I yelled back "Thanks!" but I don't think he heard me.

OK so that's the end of Chapter 1 please comment and vote! But please keep the comments postitive thanks!🤗

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