Just because you're Friends, doesn't mean anything

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Chapter 9

The next morning I woke up to the sunrise. I sat up right and streched out my back, I rubbed my stiff neck and looked down at Duncan. I threw the blanket on him and stood up. I walked around to try to find the way back. Behind me I could hear Duncan moving around, "Clover?" I turned around and saw him sitting up right and rubbing his eyes. "Morning. Let's head back before we get caught.. again." I packed up my bag and headed out, he followed close behind me. When we got back to camp, Chris had just woken everyone up. I went to my cabin and got changed. "Hey, you all good?" I looked up and saw Gwen. "Oh, yeah I'm good."

We headed to the mess hall and ate breakfast. "Okay Campers! For today, you'll have to survive one another. Then later around the campfire, you'll watch a horror movie!" "What do you think he means by 'survive one another'?" Owen shrugged, "Maybe it's just something to throw us off." After breakfast, we headed to a cabin a little ways South West of the mess hall. It seemed more cozy than the ones that we were staying in. Each team had their own table of gnarly stuff and a giant tube. "What exactly is this for?" "Glad you asked Clover! Today's challenge is for you to try and gross out the other team. If you don't, they get a point. If you do, you get a point. Easy as that." The challenge was grotesque and I don't want to think about it. The only important detail, is who won. Which was not my team. We ended up voting off Lindsay. She had to be carried over Chef's shoulder while shouting at and flipping off Heather. After the fire, everyone else went to get ready for bed, but I went over to the forest. I had my headphones on and was just walking around enjoying the sweet smell of nature. I walked to what I believed was the end of the woods. Where there was another cabin, but way cozier than the ones I've seen so far. Almost like a hunting cabin. Since I knew that I was too far away from camp to head back now, I decided to stay the night. The door was locked, there was no key around, and the windows were boarded up. So, I did the only logical thing I could do; I broke in. I kicked the door down and proceeded into the cabin. It looked as if someone was or had been living in it. My phone started going crazy, when I took it out of my pocket I noticed that I had signal for once. "Weird, why do I have signal? I'm still on ground level. I have absolutely no higher altitude." I had texts from my friends back home, snapchats, and missed calls. I answered everyone back and let them know what was going on. Austin called me, and asked how everything was going.

"Well, you know it's alright."

"Hey, you only have a week left anyway, so you should be happy."

"Wrong! I now have another three weeks."


"Yup, but that's alright. I'm having fun, but I need to get my sleep. I'll see you in three weeks."

"Okay, but I need to tell you something first."


"Well, I didn't just register you for the show because you wanted to. I signed you up, because I needed to find you a healthy environment to let your anger loose."

"Are you kidding?!"

"Look, I'm sorry Clover. I just-"

"NO! this isn't okay Austin! instead of helping me with my anger, you whisked me off to some god forsaken hell hole of a camp!" I hung up and went to find the bedroom. When, I found it, I shut my phone off and crawled into bed, and fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up at the butt crack of dawn to get to camp before anyone noticed how long I was gone. When I got back, the campers were still asleep. I took a shower and headed to the mess hall. By the time the other campers got there, it was 7:30. "Where did you go last night?" Lindsay asked as she sat down. "I went camping." I answered as I started eating. "Campers! For today's challenge, you're go to play a little game I like to call deer's and hunters." I looked over at Bridgette who seemed just as confused as everyone else. "Basically, one team is the deer's and the other, the hunter's. For this challenge, I've decided that the Screaming Ducks get to be deer's and the Killer Bass get to be the hunter's! Ducks, here are your costumes, Bass here are you paintball guns. Give the Screaming ducks a minute to hide, then attack. Good luck!" We had to wear antlers and a belt with a tail attached. While the hunters wore protective eye wear and paintball guns. By the end of the challenge, my team had shockingly won. The Killer Bass had voted off Tyler. During the campfire, my team climbed up the hill from the first challenge to star gaze. "You know, you haven't been talking lately, are you alright?" I looked over and saw Duncan kneeling next to me. "What do you care?" "What's with the attitude?" "What's with you always bothering me?" "Okay, come here" He got up, grabbed my wrist, and lead me away from the rest.

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