Setting The Ground p1 - May 2135

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The car door clicked as Summer closed it and she looked at the house. It was a tiny, one-story thing with plants growing up and around the walls. It looked like something out of a fairytale and reminded her of how one might describe the wizard's house after the Spring Maiden had finished with it. She glanced at Ozpin who nodded and led her to the door, making her grip her backpack straps with white knuckles. He rang the doorbell and her throat stuck.

It took only a few moments for a woman with dark, faded blue hair to answer. Wrinkles lined her face, but her bright blue eyes glimmered when she saw Ozpin. "Oh, Oz! I can't say I was expecting company today. What brings you here?" Summer pulled her hood down, letting her hands rest in the front pocket as she tried to shrink into the shadows als always.

Ozpin and the woman spoke in a language she couldn't recognise—it wasn't one of the four major ones, so maybe some obscure tribe? But she had a notable Valian accent so...?

She saw a look of surprise pass over the woman's face but she nodded before giving a Summer. "I'm Persia Kersey. Why don't you come on in, Summer? I've seen more than a few battles, so it's no worry." She rolled one sleeve up a little and Summer couldn't stop herself from staring.

Scars latticed her arms, some like fine spider webs, others gouges that made her question how the woman had kept her limbs.

No wonder Ozpin had chosen her to be her teacher.

Ozpin gave a faint smile and walked over to Summer, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Persia was one of the finest teachers Beacon has known from her experiences. Learn well from her and you will go far, Miss Rose." The words were just loud enough for her to hear and he released her, returning to his car a moment later.

Summer just looked up at the woman, her eyes barely visible beneath her hood. Persia smiled and beckoned her inside. After steeling herself, Summer walked inside and couldn't help but smile a bit. It was decorated sparsely but comfortably with plants everywhere. The scent of dirt and water hit the back of her throat, but it was a welcome change from wet cement and broken booze bottles.

Summer pulled her hood down and sat at the table. Persia headed into the kitchen and placed a few chocolate chip cookies in front of her, blinking up at the woman. "Oz said you ate at the café, but with your Semblance being constantly active, I imagine you're almost always hungry.

Summer just nodded, unable to deny the point. The small meal had filled her, but talking more in the car with Ozpin had more or less drained it away. She had very little tolerance for such extended use. She offered Persia a grateful smile and downed the small snack.

Afterward, the sharp blue eyes focused on her and she shifted a bit, pressing her lips into a tight, thin line. "Summer, what do you know about combat?" She couldn't say the question surprised her, but still... She flipped her hood up, gaze glued to the table.

Nothing really... I mean... I can pickpocket and hit a few pressure points, but... I really don't like the thought of hurting others..." Her voice and body shook as she gripped her arms. She really didn't want to go to Beacon and learn to fight since it meant she'd have to fight other people. She knew sparring was an integral part of becoming a Huntress, but she didn't even want to become one. She'd mind crushed people more than once with her Semblance in a fit of fear and panic. She'd felt her own psyche completely crush theirs and it remained something that kept her awake more than a few nights.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and glanced up at Persia, feeling a bit of the weight release when she saw the woman's smile. "I understand not wanting to hurt others, dear. Before the war, my tribe were avowed pacifists save against Grimm. Unfortunately, we had little choice but to take up arms." Summer felt her heart freeze, but Persia's expression remained pleasant. "It's okay to not want to hurt others, but sometimes, you need to fight—to protect yourself or what you hold dear."

Summer looked back down at the latter statement. She didn't have anyone or anything to fight for. She only fought day to day for survival and had never had anything to protect. The absence had long ago opened an abyss in her her chest, but she'd grown used to the numbness. Hearing it so openly, though, just ripped the old wound open again and all she could do was pull her knees into her chest. She wasn't cut out to be a Huntress and she knew it. She was just in this for a bed and easy meal ticket for the next four years.

Persia ruffled her hood and she could hear the smile in her voice. "You'll find something you wish to protect with all your heart someday, dear. I promise."

This is admittedly not one of my better pieces, but I'm coming off having a cold. I wanted to try my hand at writing something since I've been going absolutely insane not being able to do so. Anyway, this will be the first of a couple chapters focusing around Summer and Persia. I was going to make it just one long one, but after I stopped where I did, I decided to give it a couple since Persia's an interesting character and I want to see more of her.

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