Chapter Eight: May 8 (Thu.)

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As had become the routine, I walked part of the way to school with Sugisaka. "So, how did practice go yesterday?" She was quiet a little longer than I expected, so I looked over to see her watching the ground ahead of us with an amused look. "What?"

"Not telling," she replied. "Rie-chan made me promise, and I'm not breaking my promise this time."

"What do you mean? You just practiced that song I found, didn't you?"

She looked over at me, a flicker of annoyance marring her smile. "Okazaki, three girls were together for several hours; we did more than just practice."

"Fine," I sighed. "I don't get it, but whatever."

I spent the rest of the trip to school annoyed by her frequent sideways glances and giggles.


As usual, Sunohara showed up just in time for lunch.

"Hey Okazaki," he said, and I had to resist mouthing his words along with him, "what're you doing for lunch today?"

"Probably just grab some bread and head to the Chorus Club room," I said as I packed my things, then winced as I remembered-

"Hey, you were going to take me to that club and introduce me to them, weren't you?" he said, his 'yummy' look making a creepy return.

"Knock it off, you idiot," I said as we left the classroom. "You'll weird them out with your drool."

"I'm not drooling!" he objected, then wiped the back of his hand against his mouth. "Damn, I guess I am."

I snorted as I opened the cafeteria door and let him through first, then nearly collided with him as he came to a dead stop. "Hey, move it!"

"'s super busy today."

"They still selling the cat bread?" I asked, craning my neck to see the board.

"I dunno," he replied. "I can't see the board."

"Well, push your way in," I ordered, putting my hands against his back to use him as a bulldozer blade.

"Hey, stop shoving!" he protested.

"Get your butt in there or we won't get any bread," I insisted as I mashed him into a member of the rugby team.

"EEK!" I nearly stumbled as he suddenly teleported further into the cafeteria. "I'm moving, I'm moving!"

We were finally able to get in, though all that was left by the time we got to the counter was anpan. As we headed over to the old school building, I looked out of the corner of my eye to see him grinning stupidly. "If you go in there with that look, I'll punch you," I told him. "I don't want them thinking that I'm part of your creepiness."

"Calm down," he said confidently. "When we get there, I'll show you how to win over a second-year."

"Are they really that different from, say, third-years?"

"Of course! Because we're their 'senpais', they're already in awe of us."

I thought back to all the trouble Sugisaka had given me and smirked; Sunohara would have his work cut out for him, that much was certain. "Okay, sensei; teach me."

We reached the Chorus Club room, and I slid the door open and started to step through, only to find Sugisaka in the way; beyond her I could see Nishina and Harada watching us from their seats, along with a couple of girls I didn't recognize, one with short purple hair and the other with long red hair. "No boys allowed," she declared.

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