Quietly, Nico put Percys arm down and stroked through the older boys dark hair. Sighing he looked around the room, his hand still in Percys hair. Nothing had changed in the room – at least if one didn't consider the second door that was ajar on the other end of the room. He looked back down at Percy, resisting the urge to give him a small kiss. He looked so adorable. His hair fell into his face, his eyes tightly shut, his muscles relaxed. His breathing even. Nico could have stared at him for hours. Instead, he bent down and whispered a soft „I'm sorry." in his ear and got up. It was his fault all of this happened. Without another word he walked towards the door and looked through the gap. It seemed to lead back outside, judging from the brightness. Come to think of it, somehow they had lost track of time. It seemed to always be day on this island. Though of course that was hard to tell with being stuck in a room for around a day. He tried thinking back on how long they had been on this island already, but somehow he wasn't even sure if it might not still be the very same day. They hadn't really waited for sundown or anything but just walked around for hours and sleeping whenever they had felt tired.

He looked back at Percy who was still sleeping. Should he wake him? Better let him sleep to avoid awkward conversation. Nico took off his aviators jacket and walked back to Percy, covering him with it. Then he left through the door, leaving it open and securing it with a stone he found right outside so it couldn't randomly fall shut. He looked around him, blinking at the brightness. It seemed to be an island alright. But completely different from the one they had been on. Instead of a golden beach and weird trees, this beach was more out of rocks of all sizes and shapes. The water seemed darker and the air smelled different. He looked around him warily, always making sure the door was still close by. But all he could see were stones and water. „Weird place..." he mumbled.

Nico stood there for a while and stared off into space, the door an arm-length away from him. Even though he was lost in his thoughts, he still tried to not get distracted off the door. One could never know what would happen next. He wasn't sure whether he should go back inside to Percy. He was worried what the older boy would say about their recent activities. Worst scenario ever would be Percy apologizing or saying something like 'Let's forget about this whole thing'. Nico could never forget that. Even with the guilt now eating at him, he had still loved every single moment of it. Percys husky voice, his moans, the way he had said his name. His body pressed against his own, his hands exploring Nicos body. The way he had plaid with his nipples and smiled at Nico. The way he had pushed into Nico. Nico blushed hard and instinctively touched his backside. Percy had cum inside him. Even though Nico could feel some after effect of the whole situation (His whole body seemed extremely sore and he decided he wouldn't sit on his backside for the next couple of days) it still didn't bother him too much. It was somewhat similar to how he had felt in the beginning of working out more and learning to fight. Just that he had much more pleasuring things to blame for the soreness. Suddenly, there was movement at the door. Nico jumped towards it, fearing it would jump shut, but instead Percy stood in the doorway, looking at him surprised. Nico stopped in his tracks and stared into those sea green eyes and lost the ability to speak.

Percy stared at those beautiful brown eyes, reminding him faintly of one of those tiger-eye-gems he had seen years ago when the girls in school always wore different kind of bracelets and whatnot. He had feigned sleep earlier to see what Nico would do. Of course that was pretty low, even for Percy, but he simply hadn't had the courage to face Nico just then. Face the conversation. Face the decision he had to make. Now he stood there in the doorway, staring at the boy and had somehow lost his ability to talk. He had thought of starting the whole thing with a nice calm 'Good Morning' and look how Nico would react and go on from there. But the greeting was stuck in his throat.

Nico was the first to break the eye contact. He cleared his throat and looked sideways, opening his mouth but closing it again a second later without saying anything. Then he shook his head, turned around and marched off towards the water. „Hey...wait..." Percy called and followed the younger boy. His heart was beating so fast yet he couldn't explain why that would be. Nico kept shaking his head all the way to the water – then he ran into the invisible barrier and got knocked back. Percy caught him under the arms, dropping Nicos jacket in the process. „Whoa, careful!" He muttered and tried to pull Nico up but the younger boy blushed so hard and tried to jump sideways out of Percys grip that he fell to the ground completely. „Ouch!" He yelped and got up, looking at the air in front of him annoyed while massaging his elbow he had landed on. „Are you alright?" Percy asked worried and stepped closer, but then Nico stepped backwards, looking at him with a mingled expression. „Yeah..." He mumbled and kept looking at Percy as if he wasn't sure what to make of the older demigod. The gaze made Percy slightly uncomfortable. He looked down and noticed Nicos jacket to his feet, picking it up and handing it to Nico slowly. „Erm...thanks for that..." Percy tried and nodded at the jacket as Nico took it hesitantly. „...your welcome..." Nico replied slowly and looking at Percy, still with that weird expression on his face. It reminded Percy faintly of a dog that did something wrong and was waiting for his beating. And then it dawned on him what Nico was waiting for. „Nico...listen..." He tried but stopped. He didn't even know what he wanted to say himself. It was all so very confusing. His mind still yelled at him about breaking Nicos heart and how much he loved Annabeth, but that other part of him screamed back about how Nico had shown Percy what really should be. Nico had made Percy feel...different. More alive. More...whole. As if Percy had always known Annabeth and he did not work out as perfectly as they had thought, because there was simply something missing.

Island fever (percico/pernico/nercy)Where stories live. Discover now