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agian story does not belong to me charecters belong to Rick Riordan and plot belongs to mel-chan1003 

When Percy woke up hours later, Nico was laying sideways with the back to him and Percy found his right arm holding Nico close. He stayed in that position, slowly remembering what had happened. His mind kept yelling at him what a good-for-nothing he was and how he was going to explain all this to Annabeth. He loved her but somehow, no matter how many times they had done it in the past, it had never felt like this. He had kissed her so many times, yet it had never felt this passionate. It had never felt this...right. The thing inside him purred again, telling him he should just stay with Nico forever. His mind on the other hand started swearing and told him to tell Nico off for seducing him like that. But could he really do that? Percy didn't know much about Nico, but he could tell it would crush him if Percy blamed him for what had happened. Of course Nico had started it, but thinking back it kind of had been Percys fault for not leaving him alone. Then again, if he had known how Nico had felt, he might not have forced himself onto him like this. But what WOULD he have done if he had known how Nico felt? Nico must have been so scared of him to find out about it. He probably thought Percy would have started to avoid him and such. At this thought, his mind reacted with a 'But wouldn't you have started to avoid him?'. He couldn't answer. It felt so weird. Would he really have avoided Nico for loving him? Or would he still have been his old self, hanging around Nico just for the hell of it? Would things have turned out this way still if he had known? He didn't know. All he knew was that having sex with Nico had been the best thing Percy had ever done in his life. Better than breathing underwater. Better than riding a Pegasus. Hell, it had been even better than having sex with Annabeth. So much better. He had never noticed there was something missing between Annabeth and him until this very moment. It had been so hot, so messy, so passionate. He could still remember how Nico tasted when he had tongued him. Still remember how his face had looked as he came. And just thinking about it gave Percy a boner. He had never felt this way with Annabeth. Not even with their first time. It had felt good, but never this amazing. Never this intense.

Percy stared at Nicos back. He had three possibilities. One: He would tell Nico he loved Annabeth (as he did) and apologize for what had happened, break his heart and probably destroy their friendship, but would be with Annabeth who he was officially dating. Two: He would act like nothing had happened and hope Nico did the same and maybe someday if Annabeth and him really didn't work out he and Nico might work out. Or three: He lead Nico on even further and broke up with Annabeth, telling her the truth and looking for a way to make it work out for Nico and him. His mind was in for the first option, the two one made him feel sick and the feeling in his stomach roared 'Dump Annabeth and take Nico!'.

Percy was ashamed of himself. How could he possibly have fucked up like this? Why did he do it with Nico?! He didn't love Nico. Well...he did feel...something, but he didn't know exactly what it was. 'It's love!' the feeling in his stomach roared again, but Percy wasn't sure. It felt more intense but at the same time it didn't feel like what he had felt for Annabeth. 'What you STILL feel for Annabeth!' his mind corrected him. Percy sighed. He was horrible. No matter what he chose, he would still end up breaking ones heart. Either Nicos or Annabeths. 'She's always loved Luke more than you anyways.', said the feeling in his stomach. 'You LOVE her!' his mind screamed at him. He squeezed his eyes together tightly and pulled Nico closer, putting his nose into the dark hair of the younger one. This was all so complicated. A part of him wanted Nico, the other one wanted Annabeth. What was he going to do?

Nico could feel Percy pulling him closer, burying his nose in his hair. The happenings from earlier still whooshed through his mind and he was glad Percy couldn't see his face now. He had a grin on as if he had won in the lottery and at the same time tears were streaming down his face. He was so happy, yet so hurt. Happy about the son of Poseidon fulfilling his deepest wish of letting him at least feel once how being with him would have felt like. Hurt because he knew they had no future. There was no way Percy would ever dump Annabeth. They were like the best couple ever. It was as if destiny simply wanted them together. Nicos heart clenched. Even though he would have never imagined Percy to cheat on her due to his loyal nature, he wasn't sure whether he should feel happy or shitty about it. He loved having sex with Percy. It had felt better than anything in the world. He had felt better than ever before. More alive. He had loved every second of it. But it was such a high price. If Percy decided to blame Nico for it, which he could only understand, given the circumstances under which everything had started, Nico knew he would have to leave for good. There would be no friendship there anymore. He would have to leave the ship, leave Percy, and never come back. But even if Percy didn't blame him, there was no chance for Nico to stay friends with him. Every time he'd see him he would recall what had happened here. Recall how close they had been. And recall that they could never be. There was no chance for him to be Percys. Or for Percy to be his. He would have to let the green-eyed hero leave with the heroine and watch from afar, dreaming of what had happened and what could have been, always feeling that tinge of guilt inside. The guilt that he had made love to a taken man. Truth be told, Annabeth and Nico didn't get along that great since they barely ever talked, but still it bothered Nico. 'This is what I've always dreamed of. Now that my wish has been fulfilled, I gotta cope with the consequences.' He thought to himself and slowly got up, looking around at Percy who seemed to still be asleep.

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