Island fever

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This story does not belong to me I found it on All the credit goes to mel-chan1003.

„What the hell?!" Percys outcry woke Nico with a start. „What...where...?" he mumbled while slowly sitting up, blinking at his surroundings.

He stared at the golden sand beneath him, the glittering blue ocean in front of him and at Percy, who seemed to try to get into the water but was being held back by some kind of invisible barrier.

Nico frowned. Why was he, son of Hades, seemingly alone with Percy, son of Poseidon, on some kind of island? He got up, brushing the sand off his clothes.

He tried to remember how they got here. They had been on the Argo II., happily sailing to their final destination, when a monster had felt like attacking them. Nico groaned. He remembered painfully how he had watched Percy being sent overboard and Nico had felt that horrifying sensation in his gut that Percy wouldn't be able to save himself – even though Percy was usually stronger in water. So Nico had done the only thing that had come to mind – dive after the older boy. He remembered how he had grabbed Percys arm in the water, pulling him closer, realizing that the son of Poseidon was unconscious. Then suddenly a giant wave had caught them and all Nico could think of while being tossed around beneath masses of water, his air being pressed out of his lungs, was to keep holding on to Percy.

Then he had lost consciousness.

Percy walked towards him now. „Hey, you're finally awake. Are you feeling alright?" The boy with the green eyes asked him and he only nodded. „How did we get here?", Percy asked, hoping Nico would know the answer. But Nico could only shake his head. „I have no idea." Percy sighed. „Great...we need to get back to the ship. The others might be in danger." Nico nodded slowly and thought about possible ways to get back. „I could try shadow travel.", he offered, but Percy shook his head. „Look down, mate." The younger one did. His heart skipped a beat. As weird as it was, they didn't have a shadow. Nico looked around him perplexed, then walked towards the forest behind them. When he got close enough to the shadows, he tried to concentrate, but nothing happened. „It won't work. I tried calling Ms. O'Leary but it seems that these shadows aren't shadow-y enough. Water won't work either. As soon as I pulled you out of it, it wouldn't allow me back into it." Percy explained and Nicos heart sank. He was really stuck on this island with Percy...? Like...completely alone? He swallowed hard. But before he could say anything else, Percy patted his head absentmindedly and looked around him agitated. „Don't worry, we'll find a way back. Let's look around for a place to spend the night. I'd love to say i hope there's someone living here, but i get the feeling that would also include monsters. And I don't really want to face monsters without a weapon." Nico frowned and reached for his Stygian Iron sword, just to notice it wasn't there.

What kind of place was this?!

Quietly, the two of them searched the woods for a cabin or at least something they could use as a hideout. But no matter where in the forest they were, they could see the sickeningly glittering beach through the branches. There were no big leaves they could use to protect themselves from any rain either if there happened to be any. The wood they found on the ground seemed so old they wondered if it would even burn anymore. The heat started to really get to them now. After several hours they found a little fountain in the middle of nowhere and were glad for the cool down. Nico hadn't noticed how thirsty he had been until he had drunk a handful of the cool water. „We should stick to this fountain. Who knows when we'll find the next." Percy murmured and seemed much more relaxed now. Maybe the water had given him new hope. Nico caught himself staring at the older boy and turned away hastily. Just then, something caught his eye. „Percy, look!" The green-eyed boy came over hurriedly and gazed in the direction Nico was pointing. „Is that...a cave?" he asked and Nico nodded reluctantly. He was certain that this cave had not been there a minute ago and was not too keen on going into it. But in that moment the sun was gone, hidden behind a giant dark raincloud that had also not been there a moment ago. Nico and Percy glanced at each other.

Island fever (percico/pernico/nercy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora