"SHIT!" I gasp almost inaudibly as the shock of the sudden waterfall almost freezes me instantly, sending piercing stabbing sensations across any bare part of my skin and making my dress shrivel and cling chillingly to my figure.

"Come on princess, we have special quarters all set up just for you," the English sounding man comments dryly, staring blankly ahead with eerily pale eyes as he grips my arm tightly and begins striding ahead.

"Don't you fucking touch me, who the fuck do you think you are?" I protest angrily, suddenly finding my voice and using my free arm to push hard against his shoulder.

"Well it looks like you're more of a fighter than the guy we brought in earlier," the American arsehole laughs leerily, easily overpowering me as he clutches my fist and twists my arm behind my back. I bite my lip to fight back the pained cry that threatens to blurt out. I will not give this little fucker the satisfaction.

"What do you want with me? What have I done to you?!" I demand to know as I refuse to give up fighting insistently against their unyielding grips.

"Oh sweetheart, that's the real kicker, you've done nothing - in fact why don't you ask Mason?" The American guy chortles at his subordinate infuriatingly.

"Whatever he's done - I have no idea ... I can't help you!" I blunder out, now almost on the verge of tears.

"Really it's what he hasn't done. See our boss doesn't like it when he isn't paid back," the other, slightly more gentle guy on my right informs me.

Paid back? What exactly is this boss' line of work?

"Wait, you said something before you took me!" I splutter out desperately as they drag me around the back of the desolate building we've reached and bang open the back door. "How do you know Alex? ANSWER ME!"

"You know I really do like your spirit," the dark haired creep sneers again in his broad US accent before roughly  pushing me ahead of him and into the dark building. "But from now on, you'll shut your mouth."

"Hey Caleb, calm down please?" The British one insists, following me inside. "It's not her fault."

"Shut up Cam! I told you we should have got the niece instead! I mean what real leverage is some random family friend gonna give us?"

"And I told you, we scoured that party all last night and from what Mason said, they might as well be the same person. Their families are tight."

"Oh you wanted Cara?" I find my small voice butting into their pathetic bickering.

They both halt in response and stop from marching me through the dim, echoey warehouse lined with random metal shelves and a damp musty smell.

"Did we say you could talk?" The more aggressive Caleb grunts. He tightens his grip on my arm and yanks me up so my tiptoes are painfully perched on the sharp, uneven floor.

"I just find it amusing that's all - I mean if you were hoping you'd have an easier time with her," I mutter stubbornly, my face blank and austere as I stare straight ahead with a face of poison.

"Get the fuck in a shut the fuck up!" Caleb spits, shoving me forward and into a small, bare room just off the side of the main warehouse floor.

The door is slammed behind us as he alone follows me in and I immediately attach myself to the far wall, putting as much distance between us as I can.

My best friend's brother and my brother's best friend (2016)Where stories live. Discover now