Forever And Ever And Then Some

Start from the beginning

“Like, for good?” I know it was a stupid question but I couldn't help but ask.

“Don't worry, Seth, I'll be right here when you wake up, okay? I'll be right here...” my vision blurred and darkened—the last thing I saw was the beautifully soulful blue eyes of Ian Burton.


I waltzed into the Police Station like I owned it, a cold, evil smile playing on my lips. “Okay, kid, we have your lawyers information and we'll contact him and tell him where you are and what for.” The young woman in her royal blue uniform bit the inside of her cheek, choking back her anger. I wanted it though, I craved the confrontation, I wanted her to snap and hit me, it would be the end of this sooner rather than later. Her medium length auburn hair hung down her back like a braided river of fire as straight as my sisters hair, as most redheads were she was paler than the face of the moon with eyes much like Seth's, one moment they were a rich pale green, then they would darken then they were cobalt blue, then gray lined in gold, then all of the colors at once. Her lips were full and naturally red with a light spattering of pale freckles over the bridge of her small nose and one sitting atop the right side of her sensual upper lip. She was tiny like a Pixie Hallow escapee, barely five foot two, why they had left her alone with me, I'll never know.

“Say it. I know you're dying to. You don't approve of little erotic gifts I granted the Brogan boy...” she flinched and moved my cuffs so that they were locked tightly to the interrogation table. “Maybe I was going about it all the wrong way...maybe I shouldn't mess with boys, from what I hear women cry so much more when they're whipped.” she tensed and another officer burst through the door.

“Tya don't, he's trying to get a reaction. Don't give it to him, don't hand that boy the key to his freedom.” A young man said, taking her arm in his, he would be a wood nymph if he were a mystical creature, with his Native American toned skin, large soulful black eyes angular face and lips almost as full as her own, towering over her at my height.

“Come on, Gage, you know this guy needs it bad.” she growled.

“Yeah, he does, but we can't give it to him.”

“I'll highly enjoy watching you rot in jail if you're found guilty.” she hissed, through clenched lips, like a ventriloquist, at first I thought she had sent the thought straight to my head, before realizing that ventriloquism was much more likely.

“Then I'll meet you there, maybe stroke myself as you stare, naughty bitch.” I purred, this time it was Gage that jumped to attack me, but Tya stopped him, echoing his words about how I wasn't worth it. I smiled and waved as they left. Sooner or later one of the officers would snap and hit me, sooner or later they would and I would be free to go kill the one I hated more than anyone in the world, even my father.

Ian Burton.


“I'll be right here.” I promised, brushing the bangs off his forehead to better see his heavy lidded greenish blue eyes, assured that I would be right there when he opened his eyes again, Seth gave in to sleep and went alarmingly still. As it was, if it weren't for the steady beeping of the heart monitor, I would be freaking out. In that second I knew that for the rest of my life I would hate seeing Seth asleep, it was too raw, he was too still, I could barely even see his chest rise and fall as he took in one shallow breath after the other.

“He'll be okay, honey,” the doe eyed nurse told me, placing one small hand on my forearm, “my nephew is gay, they're moving out to Texas now, near the border of Mexico. Your little friend here reminds me a lot of him, they have a lot of the same coloring, both really feminine looking.” I studied the woman, seeing clear notes of both Asian and Spanish decent, but her accent was English, weird.

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