Chapter 1

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You know that sound that you wake up to that just makes you want to punch somebody? Your brothers loud ass snoring? Check. Your parents not trying at all to be quiet when making breakfast? Check. The thing called Alarm? CHECK!!

Emily Swanson everybody!

Groaning at my pleasant thoughts I rolled out of bed and turned off my alarm. Wait im confuzzled why am I up at 6:00 in the morning. Looking around my room I saw the boxes of thingy things and how my room looked more bare than usual.

Then it hit me. I am. Going To. Collage. Today. . . Shit.

Sprinting around my room I randomly grabbed my clothes, then Road Runner fast I was in the shower with Roar -by Katy Perry playing from my phone. It wasn't blasting loud, but it was loud enough for me to hear the lyrics.

I didn't bother singing to Roar, one of my favorite songs, because right now I'm losing daylight. Quickly cleaning my hair and body I got out of the shower.

Thank the Lord I have luck on my side because when I got out of the shower Jesse was still sleeping (loudly might I add), and my randomly grabbed clothes made the perfect outfit.

Thank the Lord I have luck on my side because when I got out of the shower Jesse was still sleeping (loudly might I add), and my randomly grabbed clothes made the perfect outfit

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I wiped the steam from the bathroom mirror and applied some mascara and concealer to my face. I'll admit it I'm not one of those girly girls that love makeup or have any female friends, you can thank my bro Jesse for that, but I have my days where I'll wear a good amount of makeup.

Plus girly girls are so damatic and annoying it's annoying.

I didn't bother doing anything with my hair I just brushed it and left it alone to air dry.

Being the annoying sister I am I went into my older twin brothers room to wake him up like a lady would. How do you wake up your older and uglier twin brother like a lady you ask. We'll by going up do his ear and shouting in the worst voice possible "BABY WHEN YOU LOOK UP AT THE SKY WE'LL BE SHOO-" and not finish the amazing song because the twin has slapped his right hand on your mouth to get you to shut up.

I was on my ass laughing my ass off when he send me a harsh glare.

"Why did you wake me up at" He paused to look at his alarm clock "6:28 in the morning?" He raised an eyebrow at me waiting for my response.

"College." And that my friends is how you get your lazy ass brother to get up and adam.

He shoved me out of his room and slammed the door in my face. I just shrugged and walked into the kitchen seeing Chocolate and blueberry pancakes with bacon on the table ready to be eaten. Well as you can guess I made myself a plate and dug in. When I finished my second plate I looked up to see my mother and brother looking at me in shock and my dad trying not to laugh.

"Emily your a pig." Jesse said coming out of his shocked state. I couldn't help but grin at him sacastically and let out a long snort, causing my dad to burst out laughing.

"What time do we leave?" I asked when my dad finished laughing his ass off.

"10:40 ish. It gives us enough time to get to Barden by 12:30 and enough time to finish the rest of that movie we were watching last night." My mother replied.

"Can I start the movie now?" I questioned, I really just want to get this day over with. All I got was nods so I took it as a yes and resumed the movie.


In the car I could see campus and all people. It wasn't very boring in the car, me and jesse just rocked out to whatever was on the radio. Then I got a call. Loki Lukee. I answered. Obviously.

"Hey Luke, what's up?

"Well I was wondering when you'll be on campus?"

"Well Lukee I'm in the car right now but I should be on campus in like 20 minutes. Where do you want to meet?"

"I'll meet you at the one of the entrances so I can help you with your stuff to your room. Is that ok?"

"Yupper doodles! I'll text you kay?

"Your the boss, sweet cheeks."

"By now Loki Lukee!"

"Bye Emanana!"

I then hung up on my besty since grade 10. I met Luke when I was in grade 10 and he was in grade 12, we had this match making test thing that our school did to see who you are more compatible with. And guess what? Me and Luke got each other! We didn't date though we just became really good friend when we met, and he helped me with my school work. He also does pretend to be my boyfriend sometimes when perverted guys hit on me and stuff, or to make others jealous. It's hilarious!

Looking over at my brother I saw him mimicking the song on the radio by playing and singing air guitar to a girl with dark eyeshadow who looked uncomfortable.

Quickly covering Jesse's mouth and mouthing a small 'sorry' to the girl. I got to see a small smile come to her face before dad, being the terrable driver he is, sped off making me crash into the seat and my hand flying off of Jesse's mouth to push the decorations for my dorm off of me.

I glared at Jesse as we pulled into a parking spot. I looked around at all these people who are going to be students here at Barden University.

Goodbye highschool.

Hello Barden University!


Hey thanks for reading this, but I'm warning you I might take a long time to update because my laptops broken and I'm writing on my phone. 😑

And I know I named my OC Emily and some of you might be triggered by that. But I have a plan for her and Emily Junk (Is that how you spell her last name?).

Should she get together with anyone? Or should we wait for her to get together with someone from the other 2 movies?

Oh, and give me ideas on who should play as Emily.🙂. Thanks!


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