Episode 6: Fixing Bonds

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Erin's POV:

I have to go to school today, have to see Mike, have to be depressed. I walk downstairs and sit down for breakfast, I glance up at Mike and he's picking at his plate. Ugh, guess he's still mad. We  sling our bags over our shoulders and walk outside. I thought I was gonna ride with Mike, but he speeds off without me.

"What the hell?" I mumble and grab mike purple and black skateboard, I ride off to school. 

"Hey Er-" before Dustin can finish I storm past them into the school.

Lucas' POV:

I see that Erin walks past us and see Mike come up to us.

"Hey guys," Mike says.

We all glare at him and I ask, "What'd you do?"

"I didn't do anything," he shrugs.

Max comes up to us, "Where's Erin?"

"Why does everyone keep asking about fucking Erin?!" he spats.

"Because she literally lives with you," Will rolls his eyes.

"Well you should know what's wrong," Mike glares, "Mr. 'keep it between us, you and El could help me the most'."

"BECAUSE I'VE BEEN THROUGH IT MIKE," Will yells and walks away.

Will's POV:

I try to find Erin, I look where her locker is and see her grabbing a notebook.

"Hey Erin," I say and she looks over to me.

"What do yo-" she stops, "oh hey Will."

"What's wrong with you and Mike?" I ask.

"It's nothing," she says then sighs, "he's just being overdramatic. He heard our talk on the walkies."

"Oh crap," I say.

"My thought exactly," she slams her locker, "if Mike wants to ignore me, I'll ignore him."

And with that she walks to Science, which we all have together. Mike usually sits by Erin, but today she sat by me.

Mr. Clark walks in, "Erin, Mike, why the long faces?"

Erin just rolls my eyes and Mike answers, "She's being a little bitch."

"Michael!" Mr. Clark exclaims, "Language."

Erin turns around and shoots him a death glare, then turns back to face the front. After class the guys and I decide we need to get them to make up.

We get Erin to meet us outside, same with Mike. She just glares at him constantly.

"Make up." Lucas demands.

"What?" She asks, "He started it."

"NO WAY!" Mike yells, "Erin I thought you trusted me."

She sighs, "I do Mike. I do, but I can relate to El and Will. They've been through things like this."

Mike thinks for a second, "I'm sorry Erin. I was being overdramatic.."

"NO SHIT SHERLOCK!" Dustin yells.

Mike pulls her in for a hug and she hugs back, she pulls away and says, "It took you long enough. I was going to die."

"Yeah without me," he smirks.

"No, without my cookies," Erin laughs and throws her arms over our shoulders, "you guys are my best friends. Thanks."

Max runs in, "ME TOO!"

Erin laughs, "You too Max."

God, I love her laugh.

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