Chapter 2: We're Always Here For You Part 1

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Last chapter I had written, I enjoyed. Now, you're in for a 3-parter! Have some lemons! 🍋 🍋

Pairing: Abused F Reader x M Mamoswine/M Salamance/M Glaceon (Ability To Talk)

____ and her Pokemon just got home after a long day out. But, ____ wasn't so happy. She'd been out the whole day and never answered her phone. She opened the door and closed it and they all heard footsteps.

"Guys, go upstairs.." ___ said. It's what she always says when she knows abuse is coming her way. Each guys looked at each other with worried expressions. Salamance, ___'s first Pokemon and starter, shook his head.

"No, we're not letting you get hurt. We've heard enough." he said. ___ knew they weren't gonna budge. "Please guys, I don't want you to get involved." ___ pleaded, about to cry.

"No! If your asshole parents want to hurt you, they have to go through us!" Glaceon yelled. ___ started to cry at this point. "Please guys! D;" she yelled, crying.

Mamoswine gently wiped up her flooding tears with his tusk. "Look, we hear what you be going through. This ends, now." he said, picking her up with his tusks and putting her behind the wall the three boys created.

___'s parents were at the bottom of the stairs, her dad had a broken wine bottle in his hand, her mom had a knife. "Where is she.." her dad growled.

"That's none of your concern, asshole." Mamoswine growled. "I thought she ordered all three you to go upstairs. You don't need to be involved." ___'s mom said, getting annoyed. "And you don't need to abuse her." Salamance growled, wrapping ___ in his tail.

"That isn't the only thing.." ___ whispered. Everyone turned to her. "You better not.." ___'s dad growled. "My dad has raped me.. multiple times." ___ said, burying her face in her Salamance's tail and crying.

That's when all the boys lost it. "So.. you abused her and rape her when I'm not around..?" Salamance said, putting down ___ and walking towards her dad. He hated her dad the most of the two, the one that gave her the most hell. Her dad would only abuse her when Salamence is around, but when he's not around it's a different story.

"What are you gonna do about it? I bet you wouldn't do anything to me in front of ___." her dad snickered. He was completely wrong. ___'s dad swung the bottle at Salamance, but Salamance caught it.

"You wouldn't dare.." he said.


Salamance crushed it with one hand. "You worthless piece of shit!" ___'s mom yelled as she stabbed Salamance's leg, making him almost fall. "SALAMANCE! D:" ___ yelled, running over to him.

"___, stay back. I can deal with it.." Salamance said, trying not to fall. ___ tried walking back but was grabbed by her mom. "AHH! LET ME GO!!!" ___ yelled, crying. Her mom said nothing and stabbed her arm. "AHHH!" she yelled as her arm bled.

___ was thrown to the ground. "___!" Glaceon yelled as he ran over to her. While Glaceon took care of ___'s arm, Mamoswine and Salamance walked up to her parents with death stares.

"Don't you dare! We will have you taken away and then you can't help ___ anymore!" her dad yelled. They didn't care, they knew ___ would never let them be taken away.

"How would like it if I did this..?" Salamance said as cut her mom's skin with his sharp claws. "AHHH! FUCK YOU!" she said as she was bleeding. "And how would you like it if I did this..?" Mamoswine rammed her dad into a wall and he started bleeding.

"Come on, let's go guys and ___.." Glaceon said, with his usual worried expression. "Yeah.. let's leave this hell hole." Salamance said. "Are you sure you're okay?" ___ asked Salamance. "___, the real question is: are you okay?" Mamoswine asked.

___ tried looking at her cut but Salamance's tail was wrapped around it. "Salamance, you don't have to wrap your tail around it.." ___ said.

Salamance shook out of his thoughts and took his tail off of it. "Sorry. But, you shouldn't have ran over to me. I could've handled it." Salamance said, feeling guilty.

By now, the four of them were in the city, cops were all around. "Weird.. what happened here? Nothing happens here mostly.." Glaceon said. A male police officer walked up to ___. Salamance wrapped his tail around her. Mamoswine was ready to charge with his tusks. Glaceon.. hid on Salamance.

"Miss. I see your Pokemon are protective. Are you ___?" he asked. "Yes she is." Salamance said. "Is there a problem, because we can fix it." Mamoswine growled. "Please let us through." Glaceon said timidly.

"___, I'm gonna need you to hand over your Pokemon.."

Cliffhanger! I'm so evil! >:D Have some lemons! 🍋 🍋 🍋

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