Second Phone Call.

430 17 0

(Days gone: three)

"holy shit- that was- I'm just- THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!"

"Zayn I-"

"I am just buzzing, Lenny. the adrenaline right now, just, wow. wow. wow. wow."

"I wish I could have been there. I'm so proud of you."

"wow. just, wow. I just played an actual show for an actual crowd."

"Again, thousands of people actually.

"They were singing our lyrics back to us- swear they knew our own songs better than we did."

"You didn't just see, but I am literally jumping around the room because of how excited I am for you."

"Just-ah. Okay I'm gonna go call mum."

"She'll probably cry, Zayn. She's very proud of you too, love."

"Yeah- I'll call you later. Love you."

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