First Night

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Juho's pov

It isn't the first time we kiss but this time he returned my feelings, I couldn't be happier. I look at him closely as we pull away. He's breathtakingly beautiful.

- Does this mean that...

- Yeah I want to date you

This is the most beautiful day in my life. I kiss him on the forehead and stand up.

- Let's go the others must wonder what we are doing, I say as I offer him my hand

- When will we tell them ?

- Tomorrow, it's still Youngbin's day

Hwi stood up taking my hand and we went back inside without letting go of each other's hand. We were all taking together until Dawon noticed our intertwined fingers and screamed


- Yeah, I replied smiling because of Hwi who is blushing hard

They all screamed with joy and congratuled us.

- Why didn't y'all tell us ? Jimin asked

- It's Youngbin's bday we didn't want to steal his limelight

- I gladly give you my limelight, Youngbin said smiling

It's making me so happy my bro didn't fail me. I don't even know what his plan was but who cares I'm with the boy I love.

The party ended right away because we all had to be home by 9pm. As usual I took Hwiyoung home, in front of his door we kissed, rather quickly lest his parents would spot him.

- I'll be alone this weekend do you wanna sleep over ? He asked

- Definitely ! See you tomorrow

- See you tomorrow hyung

Hwiyoung's pov

I can't stop smiling, I want to scream my happiness but my parents are here.

- Why are you so happy ? My mom asked me

Because I'm dating the world's most awesome boy.

- Because I had fun at my friend's birthday and also because I ran into Inseong hyung after school

- Oh how is he ? My dad asked


- He's fine he's here for a week he'll probably come over

I didn't have the time to ask him if his parents knew about his homosexuality, I don't want risk exposing him.

- I hope he will I miss him

- Anyway Kim Hwiyoung you have to hurry up it's late and you haven't done your homework nor showered, my mom reminded me

- Okay I'm going, good night

I go up to my room to do my homework and shower. When I'm done it's 10:30pm fortunately I didn't have much homework. I fall asleep after replying to Juho hyung's goodnight text.


This morning Juho hyung kissed me in front of the whole school which means everybody was looking. I want to be buried alive, I hate being the center of the attention but I couldn't avoid it Juho hyung is popular at school. However all day my classmates and random students congratulated me that's kind.

Juho's pov

We just got to Hwiyoung's place. It's my first time being here as a boyfriend. Zuho stop being goofy. We go to his room we sit on the bed and I kiss him. I am addicted to his lips. The kiss became kind of heated I end up laying on top of him. I know he's not ready for those things, thankfully I know how to control myself. Breaking the kiss, I pull back to look at him, and smile as I admire his flushed face.

For a few minutes we looked in each other's eyes without saying anything until a knock on the door broke the silence.

- I'll see who it is, go put some water on your face you're red as fuck, I tell him

He goes to the bathroom and I go downstairs. When I open the door I see two guys whom I have never seen. One has brown hair and the other has red hair.

- Who are you ? The brunette asks me

- Who are YOU ?

- I'm Hwiyoung's cousin and you ?

- I'm his boyfriend

Shit maybe I shouldn't have told him that, Hwi might get in trouble.

- Please tell me you're Zuho, the redhead said

So they know me. Hwi may have talked to them about me.

- I'm Zuho

The two guys hugged me. What the hell ??

I hear Hwiyoung go down the stairs

- HYUNG !! He screams with a big smile as he rushes to them.

They let go of me and Hwi lets them in. Now someone has to explain the situation to me because I'm lost. Hwiyoung saw my confused expression

- Zuho hyung I introduce to you Inseong hyung my cousin and Jaeyoon hyung his boyfriend

I politely shake their hands.

- Why did you guys hug me when I told you I was Zuho ??

- Because Hwiyoung told us about his love situation and we advised him to date you

Everything makes sense. Anyway they chose me over Youngbin, I'm flattered.

- Oh okay thanks


Inseong and Jaeyoon hyung are very cool guys, I like my cousins in law. It's 1am and they're getting ready to leave.

- By the way Inseong hyung do your parents know that you are gay ? Because yesterday I told my parents I'd seen you but I didn't tell them you were dating a guy I was scared of causing a big mess in the family

- They don't know it yet so you did well by not telling them, Inseong replied chuckling

They left after we said goodbye to them. Hwiyoung was so tired that I had to carry him to his room.

- Hyung let's sleep together

- Yeah sure

I have to tell him my secret.

- Hwi I got something to tell you before we sleep

- What is it ?

- I have annoying sleeping habits, I snore and rap in my sleep. If tomorrow morning when you wake up you want to break up with me I'll understand

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