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Hwiyoung's pov

I heard a lot about this sunbae, even if he only arrived Monday he attracted attention. He's always singing when he walks down the halls and he has a very beautiful voice. He breaks the silence as we walk to the schoolyard.

- As you know I'm new and I came to get you because we live in the same neighbourhood and I need friends

- What ??

- I see you every morning with your friend Chani

- I know we live in the same neighbourhood I've seen you walk your dog but you said you needed friends ?? You've been here for a few days and the whole school already knows you

- Yeah but I need real friends and we live close so we could hang out as often as we want

- That would be awesome !! So Junhoe sunbae tell me why you changed schools

- First of all call me hyung. When I was 11 I moved to New Zealand with my family because of my dad's work and now we're back. It's so good to be back I found two friends I had before I left

- Who ?

- Lisa and Doyoung, I think you know who he is, he says laughing

I force myself to laugh along, I heard his name this whole Monday and I don't want to hear it anymore. Apart from that Junhoe hyung is a fun guy, we talked about our lives, we exchanged numbers and we planned on hanging out after our clubs' meetings. The bell rang, I go to my locker and find Chani waiting for me

- Did he hit on you ?

- Nope

I open my locker and put books in before closing it. I walk to our classroom with Chani following me

- What did he want then ?

- He wanted to be friends with me

Chani didn't say anything. We got in class a and took our places before the teacher came.


Juho's pov

Since lunch I'm craving to know what Junhoe wanted to tell Hwiyoung. The rap club meeting is over and everybody but Hwiyoung already left, it'll be the perfect time to ask him

- Hey Hwi do you want me to walk you home ?

- No thanks hyung I'll be hanging out with June hyung

They know each since lunch and he already calls him hyung and gives him nicknames ? No I'm not jealous but that's just weird.

- Okay have fun

- Hyung could you help me for a math test please ? I don't get the lesson and the test is on Monday

- Sure I'll come over on Sunday afternoon

- Thank you so much hyung, see you sunday afternoon !

He smiles and kisses me on the cheek before leaving. That boy is driving me crazy. Since I can't leave with Hwiyoung I'll wait for Youngbin who is making a phone call at the back of the room. I stand up and start picking up my things when I see him get off the phone. He follows me as we make our way out of the school

- Who were you calling ?

- Kihyun a guy I'll be seing later

- You already had someone today. You got stamina, no wonder you're the best in PE class

Youngbin laughed. He's been acting weird this week he hasn't dated any girl. Oh maybe he

- Youngbin you turned gay ?

- What ?

- I haven't seen you date a girl this week, you don't like them anymore ?

- It's not like that ! I just don't feel like being with a girl these times but don't worry it's just a period

I'm not worrying. He talks about the boy he did today. I'm not listening because this kind of details doesn't interest me at all. If I had someone I wouldn't say a word about what happens between us in bed, that's private.


Hwiyoung's pov

When I exit the school I see Junhoe hyung waiting for me. I'm very hungry and I feel like eating waffles, I suggest going to Waffle House to Junhoe and he agrees. Once there we sit and order. We talk about everything, he tells me about his past life in New Zealand, about how he missed his crush Lisa. Our orders come, we eat. Waffles are so good I wonder why I haven't eaten some since a long time.

A while later we're done eating, we pay and leave. In the streets we see Youngbin hyung from afar walking with a guy, they're holding hands. When Youngbin hyung noticed me I waved at him and he winked. I looked away blushing. We keep on walking without saying anything until Junhoe hyung says

- You like him, right ?

- What ??

- You're blushing because he winked at you

I look down. He literally exposed me.

- I told you I had a crush on Lisa and nobody else knows it, don't worry I won't snitch on you

- Thank you

- Youngbin, seriously ? I was expecting better from you. Yeah he's handsome but you deserve much better

- My friends have been telling me this

- They're right, honestly I would see you with someone cool and respectful like Juho

- You're talking rubbish Juho hyung would never look at me this way


Juho's pov

I'm laying on my bed I can't stop thinking about Hwiyoung. I've tried to distract myself from him I did my homework, I watched tv, I wrote lyrics but nothing worked. Sunday I'll confess I have to get this off my chest even if I know he will reject me.

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