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Over the days of the week things got awkward between Hwiyoung and Juho. Indeed Hwiyoung was so ashamed for having rejected Juho that he avoided him the most. Juho would talk to him but after he realized there was no use in trying to fix things he gave up. In spite of this Hwiyoung is always checking Juho out whenever he isn't looking or asking his whereabouts when he's not here.

It's Friday the last day before weekend. The squad has just exited the cafeteria when Juho's phone rang. He lagged behind in order to answer the call and caught up with them a few minutes later with a big smile on his face.

- Who was it ? Youngbin asked

- Jimin

- Jimin like Shin Jimin like your first kiss ?!

- Yeah

Everybody but Rowoon and Youngbin let out a gasp.

- You kissed her ?! I thought you guys were close friends, Dawon said

- We are but one year ago at a party we were drunk and we made out that's all

- Why did she call you ? Didn't she move to China ? Rowoon asked

- She came back, starting from Monday she'll be back in this school

The seniors cheered loudly. Jimin was in their class last year until she moved away. She is also very popular for her raps.

- That means she'll be in our class ? Taeyang asked

- Yeah that's terrific I missed her so much

Hwiyoung and Chani didn't say anything. They don't know Jimin much despite the fact that they heard a lot about her last year.


- That's all for today see you next week and remember Jimin Diva will make her big comeback, Zuho said grinning

Hwiyoung is fed up, Juho has been mentioning Jimin's return countless times throughout this rap club meeting. He quickly left the room without saying goodbye to anybody. He waited for Chani outside of the school since he'll be sleeping over at his best friend's.


It's an usual Monday morning. Hwiyoung is walking to school with Chani. They see Taeyang from afar talking with Juho

- Hwi don't you think it's time to make up with Zuho ? Chani asks

- We didn't fight

- You know what I'm talking about, stop playing dumb

- I'm ashamed of myself for hurting such a sweet guy like him

- You hurt him even more when you treat him like a stranger

- It hurts me too I miss him

- Then you know what you have to do

- What if he tells me to go away ?

- He won't

They arrive in front of school. Taeyang kisses his boyfriend and quickly greets Hwiyoung while Chani greets Zuho.

- Zuho hyung we

Hwiyoung was interrupted by the loud sound of a car coming in their direction with a Nicki Minaj song playing. The car stopped, Jimin got out and the car set off. Juho's face lit up, they came towards each other and they hugged so tight that Juho lifted her. Hwiyoung was upset because he couldn't finish his sentence.

Juho came back with Jimin holding hands.

- Hey welcome back

- Thank you Tae ! How have you been ?

- I've been fine how about you ?

- Me too ! I see you're still with your boyfriend that's cute

She turns to Chani.

- Hey I'm Jimin

- I'm Chani nice to meet you

She smiles at him and looks at Hwiyoung

- Hey what's your name ?

- Hwiyoung

- Hwi I'm so sorry what did you want to tell me ? Zuho said

- Nevermind that wasn't important, Hwiyoung replied, curtly

The portal opened and Hwiyoung took Chani by the arm as they went to class

- Don't hold it against him he was just happy to see his friend again he didn't mean to snub you, Chani said

- I'm not upset I just hope he'll have time for me now that his friend is back

- Hwi don't say that

- That's the truth he already forgot about me

- They're just close friends, you got feelings for him ?

- No I still like Youngbin hyung, gosh he wasn't here I hope he's okay and he won't be late

Chani rolled his eyes. They entered their classroom, all their classmates were talking about Jimin. Hwiyoung sighed. It was going to be a long day for him.


Hwiyoung has been in a bad mood all day. He's fed up of Jimin even though she is very nice. She sat with them at the cafeteria, she was acting like Juho's girlfriend, feeding him and wiping his face. She even suggested to Youngbin which guy he should hit on. Hwiyoung didn't like it at all. Nobody dared to ask him what was wrong with him. After school Dawon and Rowoon took him home. They are currently in his kitchen eating candies when finally Rowoon asked

- What happens Hwiyoung ? Why are you angry ?

They knew it had something to do with Juho and Jimin but they wanted to see if Hwiyoung would tell them.

- Nothing I'm tired

They didn't insist. Dawon thought of something that would make Hwiyoung spill the beans

- I'm so happy Jimin came back


The other two's eyes widened they have never seen Hwiyoung this angry. They apologised and comforted him by changing the topic and Hwiyoung calmed down.

Ten minutes later someone knocked at the door. Hwiyoung wondered who it could be, little did he know that Rowoon texted Juho to come as quickly as he could so here he is in front of the door Hwiyoung has just opened.


I'm sorry for giving you the messiest chapter 😭😭 I'll do better for the next one I promise

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