Original Edition: red

Start from the beginning

"Hey, baby." My eyes widened in surprise as the girl on the dance floor I was shamelessly ogling earlier wrapped her arms around my waist, maneuvering me out of Claire's grasp. When her eyes shifted to mine, I forgot how to breathe.

She was stunning.

"He's with me," she told Claire, but she was still looking at me. I was mesmerized at the way her mouth moved. Her lips were wide and full, colored a very, very hot red. "Aren't you?" Her voice was soft and low, reminding me of dark rooms and hot smoky nights.

I felt my heart leap inside my chest for one insane second. It might have been a full minute, or two. I didn't care. She wasn't beautiful, not in the classical sense. Instead her face was striking, eye-catching. High and sharp cheekbones, long dark brows above catlike eyes that were filled with secrets. I wanted to know every one of them.

When I didn't respond and just stared, her brows drew together in askance. The dusky gold of her skin glowed under the dim light. It made me wonder how it would feel like. I caught her arms quickly before she could get away, placing them around my neck. I was right. Her skin was soft and smooth. More, was all I could think.

Leaning close to her, I let my lips barely touch her earlobe and whisper, "Where have you been?" A smug smile split my lips as I felt her shiver. "I've been looking for you my whole life."

Leisurely, as if I had all the time in the world, I glided my nose just under her ear down to the hollow on her throat, but before I could do anything else, she stepped away.

"She's gone. You're safe," she smirked. "Now you can buy me a drink for saving you."

I placed my hands in my pockets to stop myself from reaching for her again. I already missed the feel of her in my arms. "Sure, what would you like?"

She shook her hair back and I couldn't stop myself from watching her. I was captivated. "Something strong. Tonight I want to be someone else. I want to... forget."

That was my cue. I slid my hand on the small of her back, pulling her toward me so that our faces were only inches apart. "You can be anyone you want with me." Her scent drifted to my nose. It was addicting. "Why don't we leave this place and go somewhere where I can make you forget, Red?"

Her eyes turned cold before her palms flattened against my chest and pushed. "Nice meeting you too, asshole." She waved and left me staring after her like a lost puppy.

What the hell just happened? Did she just reject me?

The feeling was so unfamiliar that all I could do was watch her until she disappeared in the crowd. She was swaying a little, like she had too much to drink. I almost ran after her to make sure she was all right, but she probably would just spit at me. Her friends would take care of her.

But what the hell did I do wrong? She was sending all the right signals that she was interested. Did she want me to buy her a drink first? Funny how I was wishing for a challenge tonight and when it was staring at me in the face I screwed it up like an idiot.

"Caleb!" I heard another girl yell behind me, but I was no longer in the mood for anything but my bed.

I closed my eyes and inhaled the refreshing air as I stepped out of the club. I had parked my car at the end of the lot and walked hurriedly to it, afraid that someone would see me and push me back to the club. I'd rather chew my arm off than go back in there.

My steps faltered as I spotted the unmistakable silhouette of a woman leaning against the filthy brick walls of the club parking lot. She probably had too much to drink and was puking her guts out. I would have been happy to leave her in peace but when I glanced at her again, I noticed a man leering at her from a few feet away. My instincts to protect kicked up as the man straightened and walked toward her.

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