Chapter 22 Bad Feelings

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Scarlett's POV

I woke up letting out a small yawn while rubbing my eyes. When I regained my vision I seem Dameon wasn't laying beside me,but I did hear the shower running so I assumed he was taking a shower. I sat up going to grab my sketchbook and started sketching random doodles whilst waiting for Dameon.

I then heard the running water from the shower being turned off which signaled he was finished. Dameon had walked out with just a towel wrapped around his waist showing off his bare chest which was very muscular might I add. His midnight black hair was still damp as he ran his fingers through it.

"Is that droll?" He asked me with a small smirk as he I quickly turned my head wiping it away trying to act like nothing ever happened.

"Psh no please I don't droll" I laughed shutting my sketchbook close not making eyecontact with him because I was afraid I was going to droll again.

"It's okay to admit that I'm hot" Dameon said with a sly grin as he went yo sit by me

oh great he has an ego......

"Well you're not burning up so I wouldn't say that you're hot" I replied back sarcastically placing the back of my hand on his forehead.

"Scarlett..." Dameon chuckled going to grab my hand gently. He just stared down at it rubbing his thumb across my knuckles slowly while he let out a small sigh.

"What's wrong dameon?" I asked going to place my other hand underneath his chin lifting it up so that he was looking at me.

"What do you mean I'm perfectly...."

"Don't lie to me I know something's wrong.....please just" I was then cut off by his warm lips pressing against mine. I found myself wrapping my arms around his neck while he had his hands resting on my waist gently.

"Scarlett your mother and I were wondering if....Oi okay um I'll just come back later" my father stuttered as dameon and quickly pulled away from each other. I turned to look at my dad seeing he had his hands covering over his eyes.

"Dad you can look" I giggled as dameon got up from the bed to go change in the bathroom.

"Right" he laughed along with me taking his hands away from his eyes. "You're mother and I was wondering if you dameon would join us for breakfast?" He asked with a small smile as I smiled back.

"Of course we'd love to just give us a few minutes to get dressed yeah?" I smiled going to get out of bed while he nodded.

"Just come out when you both are ready" he smiled going to leave my room and I headed to my walk in closet to get changed. I grabbed a pair of black shorts and a pair of black tights to go underneath them. I then went and slipped on my favorite baggy,dark purple shirt along with my black combat boots. I quickly went and pulled my hair up into a messy bun then walked out seeing dameon all dressed and ready.

"So my parents wanted to know if we want to join them for breakfast you up for it?" I asked hi. With a small smile as he walked over to me.

"Course I'm absolutely starving" he grinned going to place a kiss on my cheek then going to slip his hand into mine.

"Come on then my parents are waiting for us out in the console room" I smiled as we both then started walking out to the console room I couldn't help I have the feeling something bad was going to happen,but I just shrugged it off not realizing I was squeezing dameons hand.

"Scarlett are you okay?" Dameon asked worriedly in a whisper while I went to release my grip slightly on his hand.

"Yeah....yeah I'm fine" I said giving him a smile,but I knew he wasn't buying it and he definitely knew something was up.

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