Ch. 9 / Shades of Cool

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Out of curiosity you wandered towards the front door and peeked through the window, Jack was still outside smoking a cigar. You watched curiously, he was silently leaning over the wooden porch railing, his hat sitting on his head with his eyes looking out into the semi busy nightlife street. He looked incredibly calm and just strangely amazing in that environment. It was one of those rare moments where people were in their own heads and they just look like their most authentic raw version of themselves. "Enjoying the view?" Jack suddenly brought you out of your thoughts as he was now looking over his shoulder and right at you. "Somewhat. Until you started talking." You opened the door fully, slowly walking towards him and letting out a soft laugh. You watched Jack subtly smile to himself as he continued looking out at the cars driving through the streets, then taking a long drag of his cigar and releasing it into the cold air. "So you were worried about me then?" He cleared his throat then looked over to you, while still leaning on the railing. "Not exactly but sure. Totally concerned about you after you abruptly got up and left for a smoke. But really, what's on your mind?" You sarcastically yet boldly answered his question with another question. You were tired yet being here in this position with Jack gave you some strange type of raw confidence to just openly question or talk about anything. Even after Ben told you not to, you sure had some real fucking nerve to do it anyway. "Not much but certainly enough." God, even his reply was pointed. What the hell was on his mind? "And how do these things on your mind make you feel?" You hummed, your tone blending in with the frigid air coming in and out of waves every now and then. "Quizzical. Excited. Happy. Mawkish. Confused. And frustrated. So what is this now? Therapy?" Jack ended his selection of words with a raspy laugh, all while taking another drag from his stubby cigar. "It's only therapy if you want it to be, Mr. White. I'm here for you." You half joked and began laughing with him. Jack suddenly turned over and leaned his back towards the railing all while maintaining unbreakable eye contact with you. "I'm surprised we're getting along this well so unexpectedly. You think we knew each other in another life?" He looked down and questioned for a moment. "Maybe. But sure if you wanna see it that way, i'm open to seeing it that way as well." You shrugged and calmly pressed down onto your dress to smooth it out. Silence. You both shared that for what felt like seconds, maybe even minutes. But they were comfortable minutes and it felt just right. You took out your phone and looked at the time, "2:22AM". The series of numbers were synchronized and they felt strangely right. Jack soon put out his cigar and disposed of it right after. He still was leaning back against the railing, his eyes looking down at his feet. "You cold?" He spoke softly, with a very subtle rasp in his throat as he looked over at you with his brows raised. "Definitely but I can manage." You mumbled and shrugged away his question. He then stood up, making you suddenly look up at him and noticing the immediate height difference between the two of you. He proceeded to remove his suit jacket, "No no, i'm fine I swear." You began chuckling at his gentlemanly gesture as he continued anyway regardless of you refusing. Jack went on, pulling his velvet matching navy suit jacket sleeves over your arms, then over your shoulders. You looked down at yourself and how big and loose the suit jacket fit onto your figure. "I don't think it's a coincidence that we both came in tonight with matching outfits." He suddenly remarked, letting out a chuckle afterwards.

You looked up at Jack, his hazel eyes immediately meeting yours. This was such a vulnerable, unexpected yet interesting moment for you. As much as you wanted to take a step back to review everything in your head in that moment, you began to feel like there was something more to it. "Are you okay? Dinner wasn't exactly.. easy going you know?" You questioned, your (e/c) gaze locking with his. "I'm just confused, a bit overwhelmed with my work, and just surprised really. But i'll be alright. Days like today are meant to really be left to sink in and be accepted. Meeting people is an opportunity and you just happen to be that opportunity that I met today." Jack's smile widened as he looked down at you. "Really? You were quite the unexpected opportunity as well to be honest with you." You broke eye contact and shied away by looking down at the wooden floor. "Absolutely. I suppose we can say we were both each other's opportunities tonight then?" You watched Jack suddenly take a few steps closer to you as he slowly spoke. You looked up and saw that his gaze had softened, you never would have thought that you'd one day see Jack in a very intimate and vulnerable moment. "Jack, we should do this more often." You chuckled and flashed him a cheeky grin, then swayed gently over to the front door.

"Care to walk me to my room?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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