Ch. 6 / The 8 of Wands

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You could've sworn just 10 minutes ago it was 2:51PM but after a quick glance at your phone it was already 5:29PM. "What in the hell. Is it just me or is time going by scary fucking fast?" You looked up at Beth while she contoured away the sides of your face with a thick fluffy brush. "Uhh I really don't know but i'm trying my best to quicken up my pace so I can finish up my hair and then we can both be done with this extravaganza makeover." Beth squinted and began contouring your jaw and forehead. As you sighed through the anxiety building up inside of you, you couldn't help but let your mind wander. The question still remained, who's the person that Ben invited over for dinner? You had begun to remember all of the bad luck you'd normally get whenever a holiday came by and you were convinced that this valentine's week could go very wrong very quick. The chances were 50/50 but you and your friends were dressing up just in case anyway. If something bad were to happen, might as well look good while you suffered right? "God you're gonna get forehead wrinkles and crow's feet if you keep looking like you're that deep in thought." Drew's sudden comment brought you out of your thoughts, Ed stood next to him while you eyeballed both of the guys with their fancy looking suits and rolled your eyes. "Shouldn't you be minding your own business and making sure you've got your phone set up to record the possible conversations that could go down?" You snapped, crossing your legs in your seat as Beth continued to apply the finishing touches to your makeup. "We're literally all set up and good to go, you guys and Shane are the only ones left to finish up your shit." Ed pointed at you then over at the closed bathroom door. "I'm trying to shave, stop pressuring me!" Shane's muffled voice emerged from the closed bathroom door. "Dude we told you to shave the moment after you got out of the shower, not after putting on your suit, idiot." Ed yelled back and lightly knocked at the door in an attempt to rush him, which didn't get a single ounce of attention from Shane.

"Alright babe, you're done! All you need is some setting spray and Ben's cult can kill you while lookin' like a bombshell." Beth winked as she sprayed the shit out of your finished look. A few short moments after, your face was matte and you were ready to see the masterpiece. Beth handed you a handheld mirror, you were immediately shook at the sight of the dramatic yet fitting look. "Bitch i'm living, my face is absolutely beat to the gods." You gasped and carefully looked at every detail of your look. "Your highlight looks fucking amazing oh my god." Drew walked behind you and leaned in to look at you through the mirror. "Oh now you wanna come on over and not rush me huh?" You smirked and managed to get a laugh from him. "Fuck I really need to see how I look like in this outfit. Can one of you tell Shane to unlock the door?" You stood up and began walking towards the bathroom door with Beth and Drew. "Shane, (y/n) needs to use the mirror hurry the fuck up or at least unlock the door." Beth knocked on the door and leaned against the wall. "Alright fine i'm going." Shane's muffled voice got closer and eventually the door was unlocked. You walked in and immediately let your mouth drop the moment you saw your strapless velvet navy blue colored gown. Beth stood behind you with her hands on your shoulders, "My head was telling me to get you a blood red dress but my heart was screaming to get you to wear this one." She grinned while Shane continued to shave right next to you both. "Holy fucking hell, I don't remember the last time I looked this.. this perfect? I really just don't have a single clue on what to say right now to describe this whole thing." You squinted as you eyeballed every curve on your body, the dress complimented your (s/c) skin so perfectly it was honestly so bizarre to you. "Well the last time you looked this perfect was literally this morning but tonight should amp it the fuck up by ten fold." Beth laughed and nudged Shane to hurry him up as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Hold the fuck on I swear i'm almost done shaving, just a little but more on the jawline and i'll be able to give you a good look (y/n)." Shane sighed as he carefully focused around his jawline with his razor. You decided to let Shane be and walked out into the room and gently twirled around closer towards Ed and Drew as they sat on the bed. "You look so damn fine, you should really go all out like this more often." Ed studied you from your head to your toes. "Weren't you complaining earlier about how we we're going too slow?" Beth commented as she expertly did her hair up in an elegant bun at a surprisingly fast pace. "Yeah okay yes I was, but god damn I didn't think (y/n) would get even hotter than she did this morning." Ed scoffed and dramatically pointed his hands towards you to emphasize his tone. "Guys we've got 20 minutes left till 6." Drew suddenly blurted out as he showed all of you his phone which showed "5:42PM" on the screen.

Boarding House. (A Jack White x reader fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن