3 Months Later, The Council

Start from the beginning


So captivated by this new power he didn't notice the three shadows above him flicker and disappear towards the town.


Naruto woke up the next morning to the smell of a delicious aroma. Following his nose he walked out of his bedroom into the main room.

There he found Mira and Lucy standing in the kitchen area cooking. Erza was walking in the door with groceries in hand.

The other girls were scattered around the lounge area or still in their bedrooms.

Naruto was sitting on a stool at the table and patiently and but excitedly awaiting dinner. He was completely oblivious to the girls staring at his bare torso and abs.

Standing in the kitchen Mira looked at Lucy and Erza, noticing they were still staring she took her chance. Grabbing Naruto's plate of food she walked into the dining area.

"Here you are Naruto", Mira chirped. She set the food down in front of him. Just as he was about to dig in she coughed.

Getting the hint Naruto jumped up and wrapped her in a hug, his tails wrapping around her as well. Giggling happily Mira planted a kiss on Naruto's cheek and told him to dig in.

Without wasting anymore time Naruto happily started to eat. Mira walked back to the kitchen and smirked at the glares she was receiving from Lucy and Erza.

On the sidelines Levy smirked and whispered to Cana. "I wonder when Naruto's gonna realise they have feelings for him".

"If he ever does I mean come on have you ever seen someone denser than he is", Cana replies, eliciting a giggle from Levy.


Lucy, Mira and Erza were walking along the road to the guild. Stoping to greet the people around them.

Naruto was slightly in front of them walking with his hands clasped behind his head. Eyes closed he allowed his instincts to guide him in the right direction.

As he walked he was completely oblivious to the teenage girls and younger women blushing and giggling at him.

This was because he had gained quite a reputation in the last three months. He had earned the nickname, The Teleporter. Inside the scroll he brought with him from the forest he had found a jutsu called the 'Hirashin' Originally the jutsu had been created by someone named Tobirama Senju and then perfected by Minato Namikaze.

The scroll had a very detailed explanation and it hadn't taken him long to apply the needed seals to his Kunai. Another trick the scroll had taught him was to place a seal with his hand alone.

This particular skill had taken a lot of time to get battle ready but Naruto was very happy now that it was.

Back on the walk to the guild the three girls were getting very agitated with the looks Naruto were receiving and tried to mark their territory by glaring heatedly at the girls.

Mira and Erza noticed that Lucy had a much to sweet smile on her face and instantly wondered what she was up to.

She walked a bit faster to catch up to Naruto and the spoke to him. "Hey Naruto how about a race. We can do it in teams, how about me and you vs Mira and Erza?", she asked sweetly.

A large grin broke out on Naruto's face as he liked that idea. "Alright! Let's do it, last one there has to pay for the winning teams lunch!!", with that said he grabbed Lucy and carried her like a blushing bride.

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