"Audrey, you better act right after this." I growled, in her ear I saw the chills form on her body.

"What is that act rig-" she paused, and bit her lip, I kept kissing on her neck leaving hickies on every spot I touched, I heard her almost whimper. I stared deep into her eyes and watch the color blend together hazel, green and blue.

I wrapped her legs around my waist, and kissed her passionately, pressing her body against the wall. I cuffed my hands around her ass, and gave a small squeeze, she smiled against my lips. I went over to the bed and laid her down, she slipped her shirt and boy shorts off. Leaving me the only one with clothing still. She got off the bed and stripped me out of my basketball shorts.

I leaned over her and slid in slow hearing that first gasp is like music to my ears. I did nothing but long deep strokes, her back arched off the bed and nails dug deep into my back.


This isnot just sex we having, he is putting his emotions into each and every stroke, we are making love right now. He going deep, i think i can feel it in my stomach. His hands carressed my body, he is keeping eye contact with me. I don't know what happened, but I blacked out and when I came back it was day time. I finally got out of me looking like bambi trying to walk after sex (or love). I felt his grip get tighter around my body pulling me closer to him. After about 5 minutes, I tried to to get out his grip again.

"baby, i'm leaving in a few hours for two months, let me hold you" he mumbled, i thought about it and turned to face him. He opened his eyes a little, and smiled. I stroked his face admiring the man I have. I started having flashbacks of those dreams, and his face is fitting in as the person, his voice is the same one I heard, he is my lifeline.

"why are you staring like you just realized something" i didn't reply simply because i was still in a state of shock.

"Hold me tighter, please." he didn't ask any questions he just held me tighter tucking his face in the crook of neck.

"I love you" he whispered

"I love you too" I whispered, I don't know what to do I can't remember the bad dreams, maybe that's a good thing but just as I was starting to relax his phone rang.

"ugg...hello? Really? yes sir, ok" he unwrapped his arms from around my body. He went in the closet and grabbed his suit case.

"Baby, I guess we leaving earlier than expected, in about a hour to be exact." he said with a saddened look.

"why?" I can feel the tears building up, I don't want him to go.

"They want the training to happen as quick as possible" he put on his army pants and a all white shirt. with his combat boots.

I got out of bed and put on some capris and a tank top with my jordan slides, grabbed my car keys and phone heading towards the door. I wiped every tear that fell quickly so he didn't see that I was crying. The drive to the airport, he kept trying to look at my face but i wouldn't let him.

"Baby I know your crying, your light your face turned red already" I forgot when I cry my face turns red light skin problems. I couldn't take it anymore, I pulled the car over.

"I can't drive anymore" I mumbled unbuckling my seatbelt and exiting the car. He got out and hugged me tightly.

"Baby I promise these months will fly by" he whispered, he kissed my forehead and got in the drivers seat as I climbed in the passenger seat. He started driving and held on to the steering wheel with one hand and mine with the other. We pulled up to the airport, I saw a group of people hugging and kissing the people leaving for the army.

Even though its just training it's still hard for me to deal with, him being gone for 2 months, his presence is the best feeling in this world. I guess i'm getting no sleep for 2 months. I waited for him to get his suitcase out the trunk, he walked over to me and hugged me tight .

"Baby, i will try to talk to you everyday, more than likely I won't have my phone." He gave me a long passionate kissed and he lefted inside to get on his flight. I got back in my car and drove straight home. I went in my room and prepared a bubble bath, got a glass of wine.

I texted my Shawn to come over, Shawn is like my big brother, he was 4 when my brother died he knew my brother growing up, they were bestfriends, so he is really close to my family. He said he would be over in 20 minutes. I was in the bath until I heard my door bell ring, I grabbed my robe and went down stairs to answer the door.

I opened the door and he stood there smiling, we hugged and he came inside. I closed the door and went into the kitchen grabbing him bottle of sprite. I gave it to him as he sat down on the couch.

"I'm about to go upstairs and get dressed you get it started be back in moment." I told him, walking back upstairs. I dried off and put on some basketball shorts and a sports bra. I walk back downstairs to see him about to light it. I plop down on the couch as he passes the blunt to me exhaling all the smoke into the air. I inhale deeply, and relaxed against the couch. I don't smoke a lot only when I need to relax.

We finished it, and was just talking about everything. Being high you feel so empty, so we both was hungry as hell.

"Nia lets go to a buffet!" he blurted out, I started laughing hard for no reason, he joined in on my fit of laughter. I went up stairs put on a 'Go Hard Or Go Home' hoodie, with black and white jordans. Grabbed my wallet, walked back downstairs and we left out the door laughing for no reason. We got in his car and drove to some restaurant. We went and demolished some food, they kicked us out it was funny the chef was cussing us out.

He dropped me off back home, this house is too damn big to be here by myself. I called that girl paramedic who likes me.

"Hello? You want to come over im bored, lonely and want to cuddle......alright" I hung up the phone and laid in bed just staring blankly at the ceiling. My doorbell rung and I walked out of the guest room and answered the door. She stood there in some pajama shorts, a tank top and flip flops. She cute as hell but I love Chris.

She followed me to one of the guests bedroom, I took off my hoodie and shoes and getting into bed with her. She grabbed my face gently turning it towads hers and we started french kissing her hands slid down my back grabbing my ass, she climbed on top of me as she started tugging at my shorts. I lifted up a little she could get them off easier.

She started kissing me on my neck and trailing down to my belly button licking and playing with my ring. She took off my underwear and was about to go down but my phone started ringing next to me. It was a facetime from Chris, I told her to hold on and answered his facetime call.

"Hey baby I made it, we were busy all day so I wanted to call you before you went to sleep." he said

"That's good that you made it there and thanks for call-" I was cut off by biting my lip, she started flicking her tongue against me. I tried not to close my eyes, almost forgetting I was facetiming Chris.

"What are you doing?" he asked leaning closer to the camera. I tried so hard not to moan. I kept taking deep breaths.

"i'm....just....umm....laying down....nothing major." I lied, I don't know he would handle me being bi and getting head as we speak. I heard someone say lights out in the background.

"baby i got to go love you good night" he said, I was still being pleased at the moment, and a moan accidently slipped out.

"I love you too......Good Night mmmmmm" I replied, the last face I saw was him frowning, I hung up and dropped my phone next to me, gripping the sheets tightly. I felt my body tense up, then I came and she licked up everything up. She came back up to my level as I panted heavily. She smirked turned off the light and cuddled me til I fell asleep.

It's Time For A Change { Chris Brown } EditingWhere stories live. Discover now