Shengen is ours
i was there?

Jung Jung

Jia the Rich

Big-Head Frog
pfft. idiots.

Cheng Stars
uh guys.
that was me?

Lil Hamster
we're sorry

Little Fanfan
i'm ashamed

Cheng Stars
xinchun, you were in love? gross.

Xinchun, ai ni
i really thought it was miyoung
sorry, i'm embarassed now

Jung Jung
a bunch of weird people

Big-Head Frog
huba doesn't give classified information for free

Little Fanfan
i agree
it was quite expensive

so, i suggest to wait for your turn kids because i'll be the first one to see miyoung in person ლ(⌒▽⌒ლ)

Jia the Rich
you talk like a stalker

Jung Jung
you just become a creepy person, xingjie

watch your mouth kids
i might hack your PCs and dig your browser history <(‾︶‾)>

Lil Hamster
i told you already

Lead Dancer
keep quiet

i still don't get it
the fact that i was here and i can't leave the house
i have a house to go home too

Xinchun, ai ni
you mean, you have a family to go home to?

just a brother, why?

Jung Jung
it's been a long time too since we went home to our loved ones

Yoyo + Singer
it's because we all lived in a big house

Lil Hamster
but we all have different rooms

Big-Head Frog
we only see each other during practices

Shengen is ours
the only roommates in this house are xingjie and xiao gui

Jia the Rich
that's why they both know each other's secrets even that classified information that we don't know

i'll explain everything to you

i'm paying attention

Big-Head Frog
others, please keep quiet for a while

this chatroom is only exclusive for us. the members here are me, jung jung, justin, wenjun, xinchun, zeren, quanzhe, chengcheng, bufan, xiao gui and shengen. we met each other through nongnong's family and decided to make an app that is only exclusive for us

Lil Hamster
nongnong is really a cheerful person but he rarely goes to this chatroom now

Xinchun, ai ni
he is a busy person and loves to travel

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