Chapter 25: General of the Underworld

Start from the beginning

He dashes again. This time, he kick your knee first before hitting you with his swords

He make cuts in your arms and body, but you pay no attention to it and counterattacks by stabbing the sword in the boney Palm of his hand

he groans in pain. You head butted him then punch his face many times

You dash backwards.

Lazlo: heh... Heheh! Not bad!

He pulls put his golden sword to his palm and put it back to its sheath

Then he dashes to you

You go inside of your house

Me: darn it darn it darn it

You search for your modification items. But you got nothing

You go upstairs. Suddenly, your bed and the house was cut in half and leaves out fire

Then you found your sword and mask at the bottom of your bed

You can sense that he will hit you, so you flipped towards your modification items.

You wear your samurai mask then wears your Iron armor. Then go down from the terrace and swings your sword to Lazlo

You and Lazlo's swords have met and hits themselves

Lazlo: heh! The Cursed Samurai Mask in the lands of the East and the Demon sword of the Dessert temple in the northwest Sand lands. Quite rare eh?

But i want to see something even better. You know what i mean

Me: no need for that.

Because you wore the mask, your eyes became brightly red and makes trails

You dash back. Lazlo also does

[Meanwhile at Steve...]

Steve and the princesses are running towards Sungrass plains. But they still need  to walk 1500 blocks more to arrive at Your Location

Steve: darnit. We can't arrive there by just running

Eve:...... Wait! I know how. But i guess its a bit risky

Yaebi: any plans just to help him

Eve: kay kay, um, Steve, do you have any sword?

Steve: i have 3 Iron swords why?

Eve: give me one.

Steve: wait.

He handed a Iron Sword to Eve.

Then she look to Cupa

Eve: and Cupa, you'll give me a boost

Cupa: boost? How?

Eve: whenever you close or clap your hand, a huge explosion appears in front of you. Correct?

Cupa: uh, yeah. .... Wait! Don't you mean...

Eve: yep. That's my plan

Cindy: do you want yourself blown up? That's dangerous!

Steve: and you'll see Y/N's Mad face. And I'm telling you now, if he's Mad, then expect it like a real life Nightmare

Andr gulped

Yaebi: but we don't have any choice

Steve hardly sighs

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