chapter- 1

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A/N this is my new story. its called handwritten :Dx my friends and other people who have read what i have so far (which is more than what is here) have loved it so i want your opinions on it mostly because i dont know any of you!

have fun reading it!!! love from

-Hannah :Dx

Samantha’s Pov

I came to the door of my English room. I clutched the handle and pulled down on it. The door clicked and swung open. No one else was in here yet as the sounding of the bell had not yet rang. I didn’t have many friends, well actually none at all. I always went to class early and be the last person to leave. I always sat by myself and worked alone during group work. As my school is a boarding school I share a dorm with three other girls.

My parents sent me to this school a few years ago. They never loved me and would tell me quite often. They hated just the sight of me and would tell me their lives would be better without me. They got rid of me at their first opportunity. Ever since the first day I have been able to I have gone to some sort of boarding school. My father would occasionally beat me up and abuse me. My mother would watch and laugh. Most of the time they hit me, they were either drunk or high off something or another. They would make me do everything and yell at me and my mother would slap me if I did something wrong or even if I did something right. They called me names and would tell me I was a lying little piece of crap if I did something wrong and told them the truth. If I was right about anything it would be the same circumstances.

 It would be no use going to the police because my parents are highly respected in the community and in the end they are my parents. Even if they hate me I still have to love them. Because of everything that has happened with them I have a low self-esteem and don’t trust people easily or at all. All the times I have let someone in they either ran away or have burned me. I know I am an easy target and that is why I am sometimes the bullies’ choice of fun.  Most of the time no one talks to me, I am left alone to go on with my daily routines. I am not the type of person the let all my emotions out and let people inside. Because of all these reasons I am a ‘nobody’ and have no one to call a friend. I am noticed by no one, heard by no one and liked by no one.

As I walk inside I place myself gently on top of one of the benches and take out my class equipment. I put them down beside me and open up my notepad. I flip through the used pages that were aligned with words. Images filled my mind as I read the sentences that were formed from letters and created beautiful pieces of writing. I loved writing but of course no one knew that other than my lonely self. I would often write things out of boredom. A smile slipped from the edges of my lips to create a smile. I smiled at the things that were written on the lined pages.

A buzzing sound filled my head and ripped away the images created in my mind. I hopped off the bench and went across the large classroom to find a seat surrounded by no others. I set down my things and took my seat as people flooded through the door. A large amount of talk filled every inch of the room and I found it hard to concentrate on my own thoughts. I decided to listen in on a conversation at the sound of the words student exchange.

“Yeah, so there is this really cute guy from England. He is a student exchange and is in our year. Isn’t this exciting he is soooo my type.” A girl screeched.

“Omg, are you for reals? I have to meet him. You two will obviously be like perfection” Another one squealed.

“Toats!” the first one said and they did some stupid handshake.

Their high pitched voices slightly gave me a headache. I looked down at my book just in case they looked towards me and noticed I was staring. The teacher walked in and greeted us. He told us to open our books and to start writing down some notes.

The class finished after about an hour of humiliation, taunts, foul language thrown at my face and a boring lesson on essay technique. I left the classroom (last of course) and walked down the footpath. There was a wall on one side and the other side was showing a patch of grass and trees with picnic tables. There was a roof above and poles that held it up. The wall and roof were dirty and water stained. The green grass was dewy and the clouds were grey.

 I wore my uniform which included a black blazer with our emblem, black tie, black ballet shoes, and white knee high socks, white blouse, marron woven jumper and black and marron pleated shirt with checks. My light brown hair was done up in a braid and I wore a black head band. I didn’t wear makeup as it was not permitted but people did it anyway. My ear lobes were pierced with two gold hearts and a necklace that said faith on it embraced my neck.

I continued to travel down the path when a group of people came into my view. They were the ‘popular people of my year. They came closer when I noticed something unusual. There was someone else with them. He was the centre of attention and my guess was that he was the exchange student. He was quite handsome but way out of my league. And since I didn’t even have a league there was no use keeping those feelings.

The group was now a couple of metres in front of me and were stood in my way. I grasped my books in my hand and held my head down low hoping that if I didn’t make eye contact they would leave me alone. But I was wrong.

“Oi loser, come over here!” one of the guys shouted. I ignored his comment and continued to walk and then tried to go around them. It didn’t work.

“Loser, I said come here!” He said and the grabbed my collar which forced me to drop my things at the force. I yelped a little which made them laugh at me.

He held me against the wall and looked into my eyes. I trembled with fear as his eyes reminded me of my fathers. My gaze fell to the British boy as the guy continued to yell incompetent words at me. The British boy looked as scared as I was. His blue eyes shimmered. A loud crack of thunder hit the sky behind him and it started to pour down.

My head hit the wall hard and I fell to the ground. The guy had thrown me at the wall whilst telling me that I am useless. They walked off yelling rude things and laughing. I sat on the ground where I landed and the tears poured out. I laid my head against the wall and looked up and cried my heart out. I felt around my neck and then realised my necklace was not there. I looked and felt around on the ground for it. I tried to see through my misty eyes but there was no use as I couldn’t see.

I had been there for quite a while when I decided that I should just go back to my home room. I picked up my ruined things and noticed my notebook was missing too. I travelled across the lawn to my home room. It was pouring down and I and my things were saturated. I fiddled around in my pocket for the key and when I found it unlocked the door. Everyone in my home room had a key to the room and another key to their bedroom. Of course boys and girls did not share home rooms or bedrooms.

When I stepped inside I took off my blazer, shoes and jumper. I hung up my key and went over to the door to my bedroom. No one else was inside the dorm as they would all be in class. They would be coming back here for lunch break.

I pulled out some clothes to put on as there was no way I was going to go back out there today. I changed into white jean shorts and a purple blouse. I let my now dry hair out and walked out into the kitchen to get some food.

I opened the fridge and took out and apple and a bottle of water. I retreated back to my room and ate my apple. I pulled out my spare notebook and started to write. I eventually couldn’t help but feel tired. I let sleep take over and shut my eyes.

A/N are you liking it? tell me what you think! :Dx

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