The return of bella

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All of them walked up to us and gave me hugs and ' sorry's'.

" Bella I'm so proud to see you ... why did you breakup with Edward?" jasper asked me.

I looked up at him shocked and angry, he probably felt this and sent me calming waves.

" I didn't break up with Edward he left me in the forest, after he told me he didn't want me!!!" I said very angry.

Everyone gasped.

" Edward you son of a bitch!! you said she left you!!!" emmet said angry.

" Edward why did you do that to me!!!" I said pissed.

" Why would you tell them I left you when you left me!!!!!?????" I said with a sad anger tone.

" Bella sweetheart I did that so they wouldn't be mad at me." he said very calm but upset.

"Oh yhea, so you said that so they can get mad at me... how dare you!!!!!" I said frustrated.

" No Bella you have all wrong!!" He yelled at me pinning me to the wall so I could look him in the eyes that I missed so much.

" Bella, I love you so much! I did that to you because I thought I was protecting you when all I was doing was putting you in danger!!!" he said almost shouting but not shouting loud enough for the humans to hear.

" When I saw jasper charge at you.... I was upset with myself for hurting you." he said

I looked down to think about everything

" Bella look at me .... I LOVE YOU!!!!" he said then he crashed his lips on mine

I tried to push him away but I couldn't help myself and started to kiss him back.We had been making out for 15 minutes then I felt Edward stiffen.

" Bella how come you didn't gasp for air?" he asked me in wonder.

They still needed to earn my trust, so I decided to not tell him my secret.

" Bye." I said without giving him an answer.

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