The Finale

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Ashton P.O.V.

I heard the gunshot echo through the thick air. Who did he shoot?

"What was that?" Ally shot up from my lap running to the door.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Don't go. There's something I have to tell you." I tried to hold her back but she was just too strong. Why can't you just tell her the truth Ashton? You love her don't you? Tell her the truth.

"What was that sound?" Calum said walking up from the cellar. "Calum stand back and tell the others we have company." Ally said reaching into her coat for her handgun.

"You didn't tell her, did you Ashton?" Calum looked at me harshly.

"Tell me what?" Ally turned around.

"I-" I stuttered.

"Knock Knock...." We all heard from the other side of the door.


I instinctively grabbed Ally covering her mouth. She dropped her gun and squirmed in my arms. "I'm sorry." I whispered as I threw her in the cellar and locked the door.

"ASHTON!" I heard her scream banging the door. Just wait a little longer.

Suddenly the front door was kicked open and a short, burly man stepped through. I ran to meet his gaze.

"Hello boss." I said greeting my fellow partner along with Calum.

"Hey boys." He smiled widely. "Where is she?" He asked now looking a bit more serious.

"She's downstairs." Calum said immediately. "Along with the others."

The man just looked around the place and scanned every nook and cranny. "This place looks exactly the same." He said putting his finger in a bullet hole in the wall. " Does she know I'm here?" He asked walking down the hall.

"No sir." I answered.

"Good. Calum, do me a favor and pick up the girl in the front yard, I don't want the new lawn decoration to attract any attention."

Calum ran out to do his bidding. A few minutes later he came back with someone in his arms. The color was drained from his body and all he could do was stare at her face.

"Kathryn?" I whispered, my heart was breaking with every failing breath she took.

"Oh? So you know her?" Boss asked as he looked into my eyes. "She was very nice to me, she greeted me in the front yard, it almost hurt shooting her pretty little body." He looked back at her. "Gentlemen, here is the pinaccle of everything we worked so hard for. If you can't handle it I'll have to end you now." He looked at me and Calum. I kept the sternest face holding back my tears.

"Good. Now everyone! I think we have a party to attend in the basement!"

Dani P.O.V.

I looked up to see Ally get thrown into the basement , without looking back she slammed the door.

"ASHTON!" She cried.

"Ally?" I called for her. She stopped and looked back, studying Caitlin and I, bloody, tied up, and saw Luke, unscathed, holding me.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" She screamed beginning to run at me. Suddenly Michael came from the corner of the room and tackled her. "CALM DOWN!" He screamed trying to silence her animalistic sounds.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHY?" She screamed.

"LET HER GO MICHAEL" I screamed trying to wiggle my way to save her. I was pulled back. "No." I looked at Luke who held me tight. "LET ME GO!" I screamed. Why is this happening. Tears started rolling down my cheeks.

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