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I look up at him, he stares up at me wide-eyed after taking a bite of bread.

“Did I do something?” he says hesitantly wiping his mouth with his arm.

“Uh, no, sorry I dont know whats wrong with me..”

“Heh, okay.”

We talked for what seemed like forever, eventually Mr Chance told us he had to shut down the place for the night and shooed us off onto the road. We walk together, Mason eager to win another race with me before the night ended. This time although, it still was a race, who ever could make it there last to our houses in less than 3 minutes got to treat the other to a meal. I agree and immediately run off into a shortcut I knew to our houses, but as I ran in between the buildings through the alley I kinda forgot where to go. I look up and see that the roof's on the houses were not very high up. I can make it right?

“It's worth it" I mumble to myself.

I jump onto a pole sticking out of the side of a building, and reach for the roof of the house across it. I got my elbows and arms up onto the roof, but I was slipping and it was scratching my arms.

“Damn…” I try lifting myself up.

Then I started kicking and swinging my legs and then hit the stone wall of the building I was on. I pushed off the wall and lift myself onto the slanted roof. Losing balance and almost falling off the building, I run up to the highest point of the building. I see in the distance our homes. He's gonna make it there before me in this condition. I look at my arms, they look like they were murdered, scratched and burning. I start hopping across the roofs of houses and buildings, starting to speed up I look down and see Mason right below me. I start running along the slanted structures as fast as I could.

“Hey!” Mason yelled as he saw me run on the building above him.

Almost there. I only had one more jump and then all of a sudden something shot right in front of my face. An arrow? I leaned back, slipping, and scream as I fall between the houses.

“Gotcha" a deep voice says.

I slowly open my eyes. Thinking  Mason had caught me in his arms I go to thank him. I open my mouth-

“Heya Amethyst haven't seen you in this area lately?” I scramble out of the persons arms.

“What are you talking about I live right down the street” I look over to a brick road and point to it, and look back at him, “who are you anyway?”

“You don't remember? Its Mercury" he says.

My eyes lower, I swallow a bit of saliva and I open my lips a bit.

“Dont talk to me I thought I said I never wanted to talk to you again" I start to turn around until he slammed me agaisnt a few big wooden boxes.

“Cmon darlin, why not?” he held my chin up and smirked. Mason came running by and saw us. Mercury snapped his neck over at him. He looked speechless, I knew when Mason was mad he always had this fire in his eyes, but this look could set havoc to anything. His hands were in fists at his sides and his jaw was clenched together. His tounge pressed to the side of his mouth. Beginning to walk over to us Mercury let go of me, I punched him in the gut and slapped him in the face.

“Ugh… well not the first time" he choked.

I started to run but looked back and saw Mason staring back at Mercury.

“Mason, dont-”

“Dont touch her" Mason says sternly, and looks back at me, “Lets go, this guy isn't worth our time.”

“...Mason?” I gently go to put my hand on his shoulder, but he pushes past me grabbing my wrist and walking off. His grip was tight at some points and would loosen. Mason walked me straight up to my front door wishing me a good night and went down the street to his home. Maybe he does care about me way more than I thought, was he jealous though right then? Or was he just protecting me....
*  *  *
I slam the door, yelling and back agaisnt it. Who was that guy? I wanted to bash his head into those boxes so bad. I can't show that side of me to Amethyst though, I could just see the fear in her eyes when he held her. Did they know each other? I know she's cute, but ugh what a douche. I hold my hands close to my face as the door vibrates with a knock. I look through the small window. It's the guy... I open the door and look at him with a cold face.

"Oh, hay" he says scratching the back of his neck looking down. "I uh-"

"Dont say anything I know exactly what you wanted to do with her, I dont know if you two had a past together, but all Im going to say is you touch her again I break both your arms."

"Woah, yes me and Amethyst had talked awhile ago, then she left me one day because she said she needed time away from me what ever that meant. I told her not to leave, and we both got super touchy and eventually I got her to break down and she said she never wanted me to talk to her again. I was hurt by that, so I-"

"What else could you have done to her, she seemed pretty mad at you when you pushed her up agaisnt that box." I said putting my hand on the frame of the door.

"I miss her... her pressence, and..." Mercury slurred gazing off past me "that figure." He licked his lips.

"Listen pal you need to step off man" I say crossing my arms. No wonder Amethyst is so sensitive about me teasing her.

"Oh did I push on your buttons, or did I just make you jealous?"

"No just realizing how many cruel things you could have done to that poor girl, forcing her to do things she didn't want. It really is disgusting, you know that right? Hope so, and now you can scoot your ass back down the homeless alleyway you came from." I close the door walking down the hallway of my house. I lay down in bed after a day of stress. I feel like I give too much of myself for her. Thats not a bad thing right?
*  *  *

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