Chapter 5: Confused

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"Hey Olympia, you're here early." O'Donnell observes as Olympia leaps out of the tubes.

"I mean, you're always early, but today you're way earlier!"

Olympia just smiles, to O'Donnell's surprise since she was used to Olympia being talkative and making more conversation.

But instead, Olympia just heads to her desk quietly, still pensive about yesterday.

I can't believe Otis asked me out.

Olympia thought.

She has never admitted it to anyone, but she had a tiny crush on Otis when they first met. Like many of the female agents, she was attracted to the attractive young boy, but as the time passed, she valued their friendship way more and eventually figured it was better to just remain friends.

About half an hour later, Oliver arrived at HQ as well, smiling as he saw his girlfriend doing her paperwork.

"Hey you." He kissed her forehead, his smile dropping as he noticed how sad she seemed.

"Are you okay?"

Olympia just nodded, but knowing Oliver, that wasn't enough.

"Otis.... he asked me out." She admitted.

"You like him don't you." Oliver says, throwing Olympia off guard.


"No I don't!"

"Then why do you feel sorry for saying no to him?" Oliver asked.

"He's my friend... obviously I feel bad for him." Olympia protested.

She didn't know why part of her felt stupid for saying no to Otis.

Otis' good looks and kindness was what attracted her to him when they first met, but she never thought in a million years someone like her would attract someone as handsome as him.

She figured he would end up falling in love with one of the prettier agents.

Now that the exact boy had confessed his feelings after almost an year she was in shock, and she hated how those feelings that she thought she had buried away were digging their way back out.

But she also really liked Oliver.

She never imagined attracting someone like Oliver, who was just as cute as Otis. He was funny, and unlike Otis, was as extraverted as her.

Regardless though, she loved Otis' seriousness and level-headness.

She felt like half of her heart belonged to Otis while the other half belonged to Oliver.

She didn't know whether she should break up with Oliver and date Otis, or continue to date Oliver and forget Otis.

Whatever she wqs gonna do, she did know one thing: There was no way she would cheat on Oliver.

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