Chapter 1: Realizing the truth

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"O'Donnell." She and her partner said in union to the tube operator as they leaped out of the tubes and passed by.

The red-headed girl smiled and nodded curtly at the agents as they walked by.

"Otis don't you think today's such a great day?"

Olympia had asked as they walked to their desks.

"We let the Shapeshifter escape 4 times, The Noisemaker stole one of our gadgets, and Jamie Jam struck a building and we have no idea what the pattern is. Yeah, today was totally an awesome day." Otis grumbled sarcastically.

"So what if that stuff happened? Come on Otis you need to start trying to be more positive." Olympia gushed.

Even though he didn't know why, he liked everything about his partner. Her bubbly personality, her adorable smile, and how she always tried to find the bright side of every situation.

She somehow managed to make his stomach ache in a funny way. He didn't know why he had these strange feelings, but he never he has never had these feelings prior meeting his partner.

Ever since he met her he knew he wanted her as a partner, despite their opposite personalities.

"Earth to Otis....... Earth to Otis." Olympia shouted, waving her hand in front of her partner's face.

He realized that he got lost in his thoughts for a while.


Olympia just smiled.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. Never better." Otis tried to ignore the heat rushing in his face and hoped Olympia wouldn't notice.

Lucky for him, their boss's voice interrupted their conversation and took the attention away from him.

"Olympia and Otis. In my office! Now!" Ms O yelled.

"Yes, Ms O?" Olympia asked as they entered her office.

"I need you two to show Oliver around."

"Oliver?" Otis asked.

"He's a new agent." Ms O explained, her eyes on a juice box she was holding.

She was poking a hole through it with the same straw she had gotten from Santa Claus 4 years ago, when Otto and Olive where still part of the squad.

"Where is he?" asked Olympia, an eager smile on her face.

"He still hasn't been sent to headquarters. But I need you agents to be ready to show him around when he arrives."

"I can't wait to meet him, I love meeting new people." Olympia chirped.

"I wonder what he likes. Does he like pistachio ice cream? Or maybe he prefers chocolate or maybe strawberry or mayb-''

Ms O growled.

"Okay I'll save the questions for later." Olympia laughs nervously, raising her hands up in defense.

"Come on Olympia." Otis urged, gently shoving Olympia towards the door so they could leave.

"I wonder how old he is. Or his height or his-"

Otis cleared his throat loudly, almost as if telling Olympia,
'That's enough questions.'

"Sorry, I can't help it. Meeting new people is fun." 

Olympia grinned as they had started to exit Ms O's office.

Even though Otis kept serious on the outside, he couldn't help but gush internally and think about how cute his partner was when she was excited.

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