oh S### !

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sabre : oh my god why is my phone buzzing its three in the morning who could be texting me at this hour . oh shit . Andrew . wake up .

shark : what's wrong .

moose : guys time to wake up . squad meeting in the kitchen . be careful not to wake the kids .

nathan : guys George just got a -

moose : nathan i'll tell them . guys i got enlisted .

sabre : i did to .


* hope * 

 i heard Andrew and nathan crying and sabre and moose trying to comfort them . i knew where sabre and George were going . they were going to fight bad people . Andrew can't go because he has to raise me and Lucas . nathan can't go because he has ash , Tina , and will . i listened to them through the wall .

Andrew : i just don't understand what if you die .

sabre : we won't .

moose : guys i'm scared to . if i die nathan will be alone .

nathan : you'll be here even in spirit .


* hope * 

 the sun rose and i went out to breakfast . sabre and George were gone . Andrew was quieter than usual and nathan was nowhere to be found .

Andrew : good morning hope .

hope : i know they went to fight .

Andrew : how did you -

hope : i listen ...

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