first day of second grade

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shark : sabre i'm going to need you to take hope to school today . i'm needed at work there is a big shipment of flowers coming in .

sabre : have a good day at work . come on hope time for school .

Lucas : hope you ready . our first day of second grade .

hope : i'm ready for school . bye Andrew .


Lucas : i'm so excited .

hope : bye sabre .

sabre : have a good day . me and your father have something planned for you after school .

hope : really what ?

sabre : its a surprise.

hope : bye bye.


colleen : good morning everyone my name is colleen . and i'm here to read to you today .

students : good morning ms.colleen

teacher: colleen came from a college seven miles away . tell me what do you like to do after school . just introduce yourself .

colleen : what in like to do after school is to go to Dan's flower shop on main street they have a beautiful selection of lilies and orchids and lilacs .

hope : my dad work's there .

colleen : thats very nice .

teacher : hope your dad just called and he and your father sabre are coming to pick you up early today .

Jane : are your mommy and real daddy divorced and one of them is your step dad ?

hope : no my dads are married .

teacher : okay your father is coming to pick you up  he should be here any second now . oh and there he is .

hope :  Andrew .

 shark :  hope are you ready to see your surprise we promised .

colleen : Andrew ?

shark : colleen .

* cellphone rings *

hope : thats sabre .

shark : say goodbye to your friends for the day .

hope : bye bye .


* hope * 

 Andrew drove me home  and took me to a blue painted door . labeled nursery . sabre came out of the blue room with a small baby in his arms . i was confused at first until they told me .

sabre : we wanted to surprise you . this is your new baby brother we just adopted him today . 

hope : whats his name ?

Andrew : he didn't have one so we named him .. Lucas .

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