Kickass (Paul Lahote)

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Throwing yourself down on your bed and breathing out a heavy sigh You run your hands through your hair trying to contain your frustration. You're just so sick and tired of Paul and his over protective crap, like your not made of glass you can look after your self.

It's not that you don't think it's cute that he wants to look after you, it's just that it kinda makes you feel like a baby, like he thinks you're weak or something which is definitely not the case, given the chance you could give those boys a run for their money (Well maybe not Sam or Jake, but the rest of them for sure).

You also find it unfair that the rest of the imprints don't get treated this way, Emily has been permanently scared by Sam and even he doesn't push her out of the room when Quil and Embry decide they're some kind of pro wrestlers. Paul has just taken this all too far.

Deciding that sitting here and being pissed off about it isn't going to change anything, you pull out your phone call Emily and tell her to send Paul over when he's finished his patrol in about an hour.

As you lay on your bed mindlessly scrolling through Netflix trying to find something that you haven't already seen multiple times, you hear a soft knocking on your bedroom window getting up you slowing walk over and pull it open to let Paul in.

"Miss me already princess?" He smirks as he pulls himself though. You simply cross your arms over your chest as you give him a knowing glare.

"Ohh not the kind of visit huh?" He says as he throws himself down on your bed and gently pats the space beside him. Raising your brow at him he gets the message.

"Your mad at me, what did I do?" He asks sitting up on the bed resting his back against your headboard.

"I'm not mad at you I'm just...annoyed" you say as you relax your stance

"And that's not the same thing?" He asks still oblivious as to why you called him over.

"No it's not, I can't be mad at you because technically it's not your fault. I'm just pissed off with this whole over protective thing all the damn time" you say throwing your head back in frustration.

"So you're annoyed that I want to keep you safe and in one piece, Y/N that's crazy I'm just doing my job" he says moving to the edge of the bed now.

"No Paul your job is to be my boyfriend not my babysitter, I'm not Bella Swan I don't need an army to hang around me incase I trip and fall over a blade of grass and give myself a concussion! You treat me like a strong gust of wind will take my arm off for goodness sake" you almost yell at him becoming tired of the same stupid reason all the time.

"Look Y/N I'm sorry that you feel that way but I'm not gonna Just stand back and watch as one of those idiots breaks you in half!" He says running his hands though his short hair.

"That's not going to happen! I'm perfectly capable of handling myself, I know what I'm doing!"

"Babe you know it's not the same, we are much bigger and stronger than anyone you've ever spared against in a class, you could get seriously hurt" he yells moving to stand in front of you.

"Yeah maybe in wolf form I don't stand a chance but as humans I'd be just fine. I'll prove it to you if you don't believe me"

"Oh yeah and how are you going to do that, because if you think I'm going to let any of them near you princess think again" he laughs moving his hand up to tuck your hair behind your ear.

You catch it before he can touch you. "Pin me" you say looking directly into his eyes exuding nothing but confidence and cockiness, something you had definitely learned from him.

His loud laughter fills the room "you really are crazy! No way not gonna happen"

"Come on it wouldn't be the first time" you wink at him "besides there's no way you hurt me" you reason with him

"Fine! But after you tap out, will you just drop this" He say holding his hand out for you to shake.

"Sure, but only if you agree that once you tap out you'll stop with bullshit unless there any real danger" you offer as he takes your hand in his

"Deal princess, you ready?" He asks smirking at you.

Nodding you take a step away from him. He grabs you by you shoulders and pushes you to the ground holding you down with as much force as he can without actually hurting you.

You quickly swing your legs up and wrap them around his neck, squeezing it between them as you force him to the ground. Unable to move from the hold without having his airway cut off, he slams his hand down on the carpet three times and you let him go.

"See I told you! Badass" you laugh as you both pull yourselves off the ground.

Rolling his eyes he grabs you and throws you over his shoulder, dropping you onto the mattress moments later, climbing on top of you. "Yeah, Yeah whatever! That's not the kind of wrestling that I though I was coming here for anyway" He smirks down at you before slamming his lips into yours.

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