chapter 1

133 1 2

A/N: hi thanks for even considering reading this and here are somethings I would like to get out the way

1) I don't plan on making this a lemon but if anyone would like it to be put it in the comments and ill consider it (it may be weird for me )

2) I will be using your pov (point of view),ferids pov and third person pov

3) I will be using

Y/N your name

H/C hair colour

H/L hair length

E/C eye colour

I will update with 2 chapters a week

that's all thanks please enjoy!!!!!!!!!

your pov

"(Y/N)...(Y/N)...wake up" a soft voice called for you while softly tapping your shoulders "(Y/N)-Chan" you recognise this soft voice it belongs to your little brother Goro . You barley open your eyes i guess you could say squinting before the blinding sunlight struck you , your brother cheers "(Y/N) your finally awake come look !" "come on come on mummy ,daddy, and our brothers are asleep on the floor "

this makes you laugh "ok Goro ok I'm getting up " you push your (H/L) (H/C) hair out of your face and step out of bed reluctantly you push goro out and begin getting dressed , you slip on a red mini skirt pared with a white lace top .

" I'm coming down stairs now " you called out and rushed down stairs eager to see your family

"come on come into the kitchennn" goro winced as you ran through "today will be amazing nothing is going to go wrong" you said speaking to yourself as you slid open the door

you stood shocked, you did not see your family sleeping soundly but instead pools of blood surrounding them each shade of crimson red liquid swirling together around your brother "g..goro how long have they been like this " you ask your voice slightly shaking "since 7am isn't it funny !" goro said with the biggest grin plastered on his face. you bend down to your brothers next your mother and father you cant help but let out a small cry

"(Y/N) what's wrong why are you crying they are just sleeping right"

"goro get me the pho.." your sentence was cut off by the sound of footsteps echoing through the hall

you grab your brother by the arm and drag him to the near by pantry silencing him with your other hand , you don't know who is out there and you need to keep him safe

Ferids pov

"seems to me there is no one here , oh dear what shall we do my friend" I say pausing for a moment to see Crowley sigh "I could have sworn I smelt livestock " I laugh trying to annoy Crowley "you dragged me in here for nothing " he said pouting

just then a small noise can be heard from behind a door followed by a gasp

"maybe there is livestock after all " Crowley exclaimed licking his lips rushing to the door he swings it open to reveal 2 small lambs cowering in fear. "one boy one girl 2 hungry vampires" I say cupping the young girls smooth face resisting the urge to bite down on her soft neck

Crowley on the other hand grabs the boy and drains him surprisingly the girl doesn't scream nor does she fight she just sits and stares "one down I guess " I say while he cleans up his mess she snaps her head around at me and her wide (E/C) eyes plead me they enchant me for a moment but I cant let livestock control me can I now , "what's ur name little one" she quietly whispers her name I heard it perfectly well. her name is (Y/N) but maybe I should pester her "please say that again my dear " this time she screams her name at me obviously , I upset for the loss of the boy she beings crying , as I go to silence her Crowley knocks her out with a swift kick to the temple I now pout telling him he ruined my fun


first chapter done sorry it was short please comment what would make it better

word count (not including A/N-591

word count inclubing A/N-715

ferid bathroy x reader Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora