Once Upon A Dream

Start from the beginning

“So for you to be eyeing up the waiter means all not good in the Nic and Siena romance. I thought two were the next epic couple” she smirked and continued to eat her lunch. I sighed for I was getting used to her bitchy comments about Nic. I had hoped for a pleasant day. But it didn't look like that was going to happen and I felt my temper starting to flare up.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I demanded, putting my fork on the table I have had well and truly enough of all this.

“What do you think i mean?” Blair as looking directly at me “I’m in a good stable relationship where i know where I’m at. Can you say the same Siena? Huh? I mean you’re not one to be eyeing up guy. But i guess that the old Siena I forgot that girl long gone” she looked away and began to eat again I’m tired of Blair constant digs about my relationship with Nic and that I have change. People change we grow up we move in different circle and Blair still wanted me to be that same Siena who agreed to everything she would say.

“Wow and you just reminded me why we haven't been spending so much time together lately.” I retorted sharply “And to think that I actually missed you Blair. But thanks so much for reminding why I haven't wanted to talk to you.”  I stabbed my Chicken Cordon Bleu viciously as I cut a piece off and started to eat it again.

“Just the reaction I expected. You do know we are approaching 18 now you know adults? Siena you need to grow up and stop acting like a child when you don't like to hear things. Believe me this wasn't even my idea it was Kai. I've been perfectly fine without the bitchy Siena” I looked up I was hurt by what Blair had told me, I felt my jaw hang as I was stunned to hear this wasn’t even down to her and that she was forced to meet me “What? You've changed since....” she paused for a moment probably finding another malicious word to say “All you've done is push me away and get closer to this Nic guy. We both lost a friend Siena and all you did is push you’re so called "best friend" away. I needed you Siena and where the hell were you? Oh with that d*ck Nic!” Blair raised her voice slightly and notice people looking over at our table. She stopped eating and sat back “I really don't know why I’m bothering because with you lately it's just about "Siena Russo World" nothing else matters” Blair crossed her arms that was it I had had enough of her and I’m going to put her straight once and for all.

“How dare you?!” I shouted as I stood up, glaring at her “That was a low blow and you know it Blair Richy!” My eyes teared up and my voice shook as I spoke “Not a day goes by that I don't think about Thea as you know that is my fault that she is not here anymore.” Tears were running down my face “Do you know how many times that I wished that I could turn back the hands of time? How I had never said the horrible things that I said to her. If that never happened then maybe she would be here” I turned away from Blair because I didn't want her to see that I was crying.

“Where you the one who murdered her? Huh?” Blair yelled I looked at her while she stood up with a face filled with anger “You need to stop making everything about you Siena you are not the centre of everything” I felt even more hurt and offended by that everything was about me. Blair goes in her bag and get out her purse “This was a waste of time.” she threw two 100 dollar bills on the table.  “The Siena I’ve been holding on to die along with Thea I get that now” Blair looked at me with disappointment in her eyes. My anger replaced sadness and I glared at her. This was a huge mistake. I really wished that I never came. I couldn't wait to see Nic so that I could have a go at him for even suggesting that I spend some time with Blair after arguing with my parents. Like Blair, they didn't approve of my relationship with Nic because he was older than me. My dad thought that I could do better and ordered me to break up with Nic. Well that conversation didn't end well and I stormed out of the apartment.

“You know what? You're right. This was a mistake.” I opened my purse and threw my half for our meal on the table “But it’s not one that I am going to make again.” I spoke coldly. Blair places her jacket on and looked directly at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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