-Don't say this," His friend shushes him, "You know that it hurt Taehyung more than anything to cut ties with you. But if you let time do its job and if you apologise properly, maybe you two can go back to the relationship you shared before everything got out of control.

-You really think so?

-Yes, of course. Taehyung won't let it end like this... And I'm pretty sure you won't either."

Silence falls on them after this, the two friends finding peace into the serene atmosphere for a few minutes, before Jimin breaks it with a little voice.

"I miss Yoongi-hyung..." Hoseok's squeezes his eyes shut in pain for a brief second before opening them anew, his gaze eventually sticking to the date engraved onto the marble of Yoongi's resting place, the same day that changed his life for the worst while he thought it could never become more awful than it already was.

"I miss him too."

The butterfly leaves a few seconds after, its white wings soon disappearing from Hoseok's sight.


Taehyung's chest is heaving as he comes back to a walking pace after his morning run, the man threading a hand through his sweaty hair. The strands are now of a dark shade of brown as he dyed them a few days ago, keeping the promise he made to himself. Besides, even if his muscles still protest from being so solicited these days, it's out of the question for him to stop working out, not when he's getting more and more capable to look at himself into the mirror. The said activity is even becoming enjoyable as it makes his body change, for the better this time. Even though he knows it will be long before he can accept all the other little flaws he can't change, Taehyung thinks that this is already a good start.

The brown-haired male leaves the park and begins to walk towards his flat, breath gradually coming back to a normal pace, and while he's heading forwards his thoughts drift towards his brother. Going for a run always helps him clear his mind from negative thoughts for a while, but today his brain is quick to think back to the memory of Yoongi. Taehyung can't help but deplore how happy his brother would be to celebrate his wedding birthday, how he and his wife would maybe have children by now. But Yoongi is long gone, and Taehyung feels like a part of him is missing and will never come back. If he and Jungkook get divorced in the end, another gaping hole will appear in his chest, and he's not sure if he can survive it this time.

The man is cut into his thoughts by his phone ringing into his pocket, which startles him a little.

"Hey Tae, aren't you home right now?" Hoseok asks the moment he answers, making him smile lightly because even though his world has been crumbling down for three years, his friend has always steadily remained by his side.

"No, but I'm coming back right at the moment!

-Oh, alright, I'm going to wait for you then. I'm already there, actually... I just wanted to make sure you were alright.

-I'm going to hurry then! You can enter with the spare key if you want, it's under the mat...

-Yeah, well, speaking about the mat..." There is a little silence at the other end of the line, making Taehyung frown. "Anyway, I'll tell you about it when you'll be back! See you soon!

-Okay, bye..." Taehyung says before ending the call, feeling puzzled about Hoseok's last words. What could even be wrong about his mat?

He sends the latter glare as he steps on it before entering his flat, Hoseok grinning at him the moment he spots him but whining about the fact he stinks when Taehyung tries to hug him, so that this one gently hits him with a chuckle.

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