Don't take no bull from no one

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HI! IM FINALLY ON SPRING BREAK!!! I will try and update more! luv yall!



I had fallen asleep, hoping for a good night sleep, but thats not gonna happen. the demon entered my dream. i had been dreaming about the woods, but then a certion dorito poped up.

"hello lotus" he said, bowing

"piss off"


"beacuse your a selfish jerk thats probably raped before, now like i said, piss off" i said, walking past him.

"come on! why make accuzations that you cant prove!" he said, teleporting infront of me

"go. the fuck. away." i said, walking past him again.

"please?" he teleported infront of me again. i ignored him and started walking faster. he walked behind me "come on! i dint come here for nothing!" then i started running. thinking //goawaygoawaygoawaygoaway//. then when he wouldn't stop bugging me i turned to face him

"what. is. it." i said through gritted teeth.

"i /want/ a deal" he said

"what kind of deal? whats in it for me?"

"i want you to not tell the pines I'm here, in exchange for me not messing with your dreams, or reading your mind!" he said

"wait- you can do that?"

"yep!" he exclamed. i thought this over, well, it can't be that bad.

"fine." i said, sticking my hand out. 

"its a deal!" he said, taking my hand and blue flames engoulfed them. but the flames didn't hurt, they just danced across our hands. weird.

"now OUT" i yelled at him. 

"see you tomorrow lotus!" he said and dissappeared. finnaly some time to myself. 

                                       ~~ time skippy dip dip! ~~

"y/n! wake up!" someone yelled at me. it was mable. i shot up out of the bed

"LeT mE gO" i yelled, wide awake, then i saw the girl. "oh, mable, sorry, what is it?"

"are you ok y/n?" she asked, worry in her eyes.

"yea, im fine" i said, getting out of bed "what is it?" i could tell she didn't believe me.

"me and dipper are going monster hunting want to come?!" she said, jumping up and down.         

"sure!" i said, "let me get changed first, do you have any clothes I can borrow?"

"yea! i brought some just in case" she said handing me the clothes.

"thanks" i said, then went into the  bathroom and got dressed into the jeans and f/c sweater with a s/f/c flower on it. im ready" i said, coming out of the bathroom.

"lets go monster hunting!"                                           

wolf of the falls ~~~ bill cipher x readerWhere stories live. Discover now