demons master

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hullo motha fukas. I want to say hi. AND I LUV YA ALL!!! I LOVE THE RAIN!! OK, that was random. but anyway! enjoy da chapta!

-ur author-chan



"master? what the fuck does that mean??" the dorito-man cackled

"It means you control me, sherlock! all beacuse of that stupid curse" he mumbled the last part. but i heard it. 

"what curse?" i asked

"nothing" he mumbled. i decided to take advantadge of this whole 'master' thing.

"tell me" i demanded. when he didn't answer, the chains around him tightened. he cringed. i dont like seeing people hurt, so i thought about the chains dissapearing, and they were gone. not the smartest move, but i dont like seeing things hurt that dont hurt me. and he didnt hurt me yet. he stood up, he was taller than me. 

"thanks!" it said, wiping the blood from his lip. he walked up to me and grinned "now, does my lotus have a name?" 

"whats it to ya?" i said, crossing my arms

"i should know my masters name, after all, i will be spending eternity with you" he bent over a bit so we were face to face.

"its y/n" i said. well what would you do?

"a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" 

"ugh" i turned to leave, but he grabbed my arm.

"this 'master' thing works both ways, lotus"

"let me go"

"hmmm let me think" he shoved me up agenst a wall, still holding my wrist.

"let me go!" i cried. this cant happen, no!

"give me a reason" he said, getting dangerously close.

"p-please! let m-me go!" i said, tears forming. i didnt have time for his billshit. i punched him with my free hand, again. he let go and took a step back "you selfish bastard! all you think about is yourself! GET OUT!" i yelled, using my alpha voice. a alpha voice is what alphas use to make the others behave and follow orders. and i am the alpha of me, the only wolf left of the falls pack. the new 'master' thing probably helped, beacuse he dissapeared and the rooms color came back. i sat on the bed and cried. i remembered the war of the wolves, all packs at war, no peace. no mercy, only justice. the rest of my pack had been killed, and i am the only one left. the pack that killed us is pack gate claw. they tourtured me, raped me,and other things of the unthinkable. and having a flirty demon in my new home is not helping my recovery. i had escaped my captures decades ago, but the pain and memory is still there. i decided to go back into the mystery shack and find dipper. he seamed like a nice guy. when i went in though, mable got to me before i could find dipper, i guess it was ok, anything to keep my mind of the war. 

"hey y/n! lets play 20 questions!!!!" mable said, dragging me into their 'living room' "ill go get dipper!!" and she ran out of the room. she came back with dipper and sat down on the floor and i followed. "ill ask first! y/n, where are you from?"

"uhh- gravity falls? i like to keep to myself." i said, well im not lying. now it was dippers turn

"where did your get your necklas?" he pointed at it

"i-i got it from a friend" i said cautusily. the necklas has been passed down from alpha to alpha, and you were the alpha so once again, your not lying.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dippy dip dip, look! its a time skip!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"i should be getting to bed" i said, standing up. ive been playing 20 questions with the twins for hours. they even told me about the monsters in the forest. i didnt tell them about me that much, like i said, i like to keep to myself. telling secrets show to much weekness, i dont tell.

"night!" the twins said and i went to my cabin to get a good nights sleep. until a little piece of shit entered my dream.

wolf of the falls ~~~ bill cipher x readerWhere stories live. Discover now