Chapter Thirteen: Spider-Man

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I looked at the ceiling, thinking. Nothing in particular. I was just thinking.

Then, a strange thought occurred to me. How many times has Sam hurt me?

The thought was scary, but the answer was just plain terrifying. I didn't want to answer that, but yet I did.

The answer stung a bit. Sam had hurt me twelve times. Sam hurt me twelve times.

Well, that was my happy thought for tonight. That number had haunted me for the past times Sam hurt me. Twelve. Twelve times Sam has either dating someone or said things that hit me hard.

Twelve times.

That number. It had so many meanings. So many. Sam had been stupid enough to hurt me twelve times. Twelve times when he said he cared about my feelings and yet he hurt me.


With that number in mind, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was clutching my side, on my knees. My team was fighting Octobots that had surrounded them. When did we get back here so damn fast?

In front of me stood the Goblin.

"Your team is too busy to notice their leader's death, perfect!" the Goblin sneered.

"Peter!" I heard Sam shout. I tried to get away, but the Goblin had an iron grip on my shoulder. Pain burned throughout my whole body. My ribs and shoulder screamed out in pain as black spots invaded my vision.

I looked up to find Sam and Danny finishing off the Octobots. Sam caught my eyes and for a second, I thought I saw fear flash across his eyes.

Sam blasted a bolt at the Goblin's direction, but instead, I got hit. Sam's eyes widened, and you could see pain in them. I smiled weakly at him and he returned it.

"Any attack you shoot at me will be taken by my little pet," the Goblin threatened. I could just hear the smirk in his voice. That pissed me off.

"Hey greeny! I am no one's pet!" I said, managing to flip out of his grip. I landed next to Sam. I stumbled a bit, pain shooting through my right ankle. Sam rushed over and slid an arm around my waist, slinging my other one over his shoulders. As soon as he helped me stand up fully, I looked up at him and smiled. Sam smiled at me and pecked my cheek.

"Are you alright, baby?" he asked me. I felt myself blush as he called me that. Wait. Is this after we get off this island? I guess so.

"Yea, I'm just fine Sammy," I replied. I. So. Confused.

"Good," he said, smiling that goofy smile of his.

The Goblin roared, ruining our moment. I whip my head towards him.

He had taken down Danny, Ava, and Luke. Glaring at me, he ran towards us, making my heart beat increase.

"Sam," I warned him. He looked at me, apology in his eyes. Oh no, Sam don't.

"Before I could tell him not to fight the Goblin, he let go of me and was blasted to the wall. I stared his unmoving for a minute before I felt myself being thrown against a wall.

Pain erupted in my chest. I looked at Sam's body once more, then, my eyes swept to survey the rest of the team. They lay there still. Breathing, but unconscious. My body trembled with fury.

Stranded; A SpideyNova Fanfic (Rewriting)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu