Chapter Two: Nova

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  • Dedicado a Veronica Roth

"WEB-HEAD!" I screamed as I flew as fast as I could. He was most likely dead now, I told myself. No one can stay under water that long.

I gasped as soon as I hit the water. It chilled me to the bone. No wonder Peter didn't die yet. PETER!! Stupid, Stupid, STUPID!!! I screamed at myself.

I saw a body in the water. It was blue and red and it was sinking fast. IT WAS THE WEB-HEAD!!

I pushed myself to the limit. Swimming faster than I ever have before.

Darn you Peter, I thought. He had been underwater for quite a long time. Such a long time that he could be... NO SAM DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.

Finally, I managed to grab the fabric of his body stocking.

A warm feeling filled my heart.

I think that weird feeling inside me is joy. Why would I care if Web-head dies? The truth? I had a crush on Web-head for as long as I've known him. And that's been a long time.

I managed to grab Spidey's hand. I swam as fast as I could to the surface. Spider-man hadn't move a single bit ever since I grabbed him, which filled my body with fear. I swam faster, trying to keep Peter alive.

I gasped as I hit the surface, but Peter stayed as limp as a doll.

"Yo, Web-head! Wake up!" I said as I shook him. Not a sound came out.

"Uh, Web-head? Now would be a good time to wake up!" I continued to shake him. An idea popped into my head. I took his mask off. Underneath was a sight that scared me back to Fury. Peter's lips were BLUE. Physically blue. His face was paler than white.

I'll be the first to admit that I panicked a bit.

I grabbed his chin-by the way, I was blushing while I did that- and gently tilted his head up. I placed my ear to his chest while I blushed an even deeper pink.

Thank god, I thought. At least he was breathing.

"NOVA, COME IN!" My communicator shouted. I quickly removed my ear and hand from Spidey. I left him floating by flying up a bit.

"Yea?" I said into my communicator.

"Did you get Peter?" Iron Fist asked. Of course he would ask that, Spider-Man is their leader, after all. Their smart, handsome leader. Idiot, I scolded myself. Why would he go for a guy like me?

"Yes, but he's paler than white and his lips are literally blue," I told them.

Iron Fist's eyes widened.

" Get him back to headquarters, NOW," White Tiger broke in.

"Well, how do I find headquarters? And Spidey here isn't helping at all here, being unconscious and all, ya know," I countered.


"You never asked..." I replied.

White Tiger glared through mask.

"What do see?" She asked.

"Nothing but water for miles, and the occasional fish here and there," I answered, taking a look around the area.

"Do you still have that backpack I gave you before you left?" Iron Fist broke in.

I nodded.

"Good..." Iron Fist said, though it was very broken.

"The communicator is breaking up," I infromed him. No answer. Nothing.

All of a sudden, something hit green me, and then the world went black.

"Ugg," I said as I dragged myself into sitting postion. I looked around the area. It was a sandy beach with a jungle just miles away.

Peter lay a few feet away, still unconscious.

I groaned, this was going to be a long day. Not only do I have dead wait to carry, I also had to find somewhere to camp.

Oh joy. This day just keeps getting worse and worse, but the worst thing was I was stuck on an island with the member of the team I happened to fall in love with.

Stranded; A SpideyNova Fanfic (Rewriting)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora