~The rest of the party pt 3~

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( Authors Note If you see I've already published and you left a really good comment for the story then I will change it...)

*Zane's POV*

I was heading up the stairs trying to change out of this embarrassing maid outfit when someone grabbed my waist. I turned my head to see Travis looking at me with a smirk on his face...

"Going somewhere Beautiful ?" He blushed a little, but I blushed more. " Travis let go I gotta go change back!" "Awwww but you look so good!" I pulled his hands away from my waist and continued to walk up the stairs.

*Travis's POV*

I let him go and he continued to walk, hips swaying in time. I felt another bloody nose and went to go get a paper towel. 'He is so cute...' I would replay over and over in my head. I tried to snap out of it but I couldn't 'He was just too CUTE!'

*Zane's POV*

When I got back into my grey PJ's I walked back downstairs to see everyone (Except Travis) In the Living room turning on a movie. Then I saw Travis in the Kitchen mumbling to himself with a tissue in hand.

*Travis's POV*

I was mumbling to myself 'you can't love him' and 'he won't love you back'. Then I looked around and saw HIM "Zane why aren't you going to watch the movie?" He looked into my eyes and I did the same. 'He has really pretty (Ice blue) eye(s) But then we looked away because of this ... "GUYS WE'RE STARTING THE MOVIE NOW!!!!!" aph yelled.

"Be there in a sec Aph." Zane said calmly. We sat down to watch "Toy story 2" During the movie people fell asleep one by one. But at the end of the movie there were only 2 people awake: me & Aaron.

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