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Unknown POV

Alysia woke up with her head high. She wasn't letting anyone ruin her day no matter who it was. Let folks talk. They ain't gone shake shit. Hopping in the shower for about seven minutes she cleaned herself. Hopping out she washed her face and brushed her teeth. Now she's moisturizing her skin, ready for the day.
Spritzing her perfume she put on her cheekster panties and matching bra.

Walking to her closet she put on a yellow off the shoulder top with white fitted pants. Her silver sandals and hoop earrings matched perfectly with it. As time got closer to leave she quickly but gently unraveled her dry braids. Her braid out turned out perfectly. Alysia was so cute.

Soon as Alysia made her way into school, the looks she received were vicious. Her confidence wouldn't let the way somebody looked at her, bother her. She simply smiled and waved at the ones who didn't mug her. Alysia was being stared at all the way to her locker, grabbing her books, she went straight to first period. 

As soon as she sat down she heard the whispering. It made her anxiety increase from a two to a ten in a matter of seconds. She loved how beautiful she looked and felt this morning but now all that is changing. Alysia was the most popular girl but now she's becoming victim. Where was her best friend when she needed her the most.

"I don't know why she didn't just kill herself." One girl behind her indicated.

"Exactly, it ain't like we want her around anyways." 

Getting out of her seat, Alysia grabbed her stuff and ran out the classroom. She don't know what she did wrong but she wishes it would all go away. She couldn't handle the pain no more. Her uber pulled up within four minutes, which she called it when she left her classroom. Usually she would fight someone who disrespected her, this time she didn't.

Watching the automobile pull up with the Uber sticker, she slid into the backseat and listened to the GPS direct the woman to her home. Twitter should have been the last thing she opened. The very first tweet she saw was "This ain't even her real daddy, her whole life is a lie." with a picture of her and Andrew. The next one said "Lmfaooooo her REAL daddy is the one who raped her."

Alysia wiped her eyes before the tears even fell. She screenshotted both tweets and said thank you to the pretty lady before jumping out of the car. Running into the house, she went straight to her "dad" office...Andrew's. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Alysia busted in, crying.

"Tell you what?" Andrew looked puzzled, not knowing a thing she was talking about.

"Why didn't you tell me you wasn't my dad? Everybody is talking about me."

"Come here baby girl."

Alysia walked over to him and he pulled her into his lap.

"You didn't need all that negativity in your life. Wondering why your mom or dad didn't wanted you, it would be too much stress on you. I had to take you in, and make you my own. My bro, the nigga I knew for the longest was your dad and I couldn't stand to see the way he treated you, I had to teach you. Thank the man above you have everything you need. Stop listening to them kids and what they have to say. Fuck them. They broke anyways."

Alysia cracked a slight smile. "Well who is he?"

"He's dead now. Don't worry about all that."

"Why? How'd he die?"

"I shot him. He raped his daughter."

My Dad is a Thug and I'm His DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now