Memory Loss, Photography Class, and a Stripping Game

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Katlyn's POV


"Oh my gosh! Shut up!" I got up and shut the alarm off. I had the worst headache imaginable and felt do sick. Great my first hangover. 

I squint over to see Madrina in her bed still sleeping. I look down to realize I'm still in my dress from last night. How did I get home? What even happen last night?

"Oh my gosh my head kills!!" I complained while trying to search for some Advil. 

"Someone must have a hangover?" I turn to see Madrina getting out of bed.

"Ya just a bit." I said sarcastically. 

She walked over to the small fridge we had and pulled out a bottle of something. "Here try this. Always works for me."

"What is it?"

"A cure for the hangover. Just try it.."

"Okay.." I took a sip. "That taste awful!" I said almost spitting out what was in my mouth.

"Ya but after a while it helps. Trust me."

"Whatever I put the bottle down and tried to get ready for class. Every noise that was made caused me to cringe. Note to self never drink that much again. "What happened to last night?" I asked her.

"You don't remember? Do you remember anything from last night?"

"Umm... Well I remember getting to the bar and getting our first drinks and then you went to dance with some guy.."

"His name was John and he was soo nice!" she interrupted me. "Sorry continue."

"Well then I remember a guy buying me a drink and dancing with me, but I can't remember much after that. The drink he bought me really hit me."

"Last I saw you were talking to some guys and then one guy brought you home and tucked you into bed. I left with John and he brought me home," she replied. 

"Well I wish I could thank the guy that brought me home."

"He looked cute from what I saw."

"Damn I wish I could remember more from last night!" I was angry at myself for getting so drunk I couldn't even remember most last night.

"You never know it may come back to you." she said optimistically.

"Maybe.." I said trying to take another sip of the hangover juice. "Nope still horrible!" Madrina and I both laughed.

I finished getting ready and made my way to my Geography class. Thank God I did not have an early class today. I got to class, and I wanted nothing more than for class to be over. My headache subsided a bit but my head was still pounding. All I wanted to do was go somewhere I could be alone.   

The class finally ended and I made my way out the door. On my way out I ran into Jocelyn. She stopped and talked to me. "Wow Katlyn, you look awful."

"Umm thanks."

"Sorry I didn't mean it like that. Are you sick or something?" 

"Just fighting a massive hangover, but it's slowly easing up." "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere with me today? I know this beach a couple of hours away and it's a great place for our photography class..."

I thought about it for a moment. "Ya sure why not. You wanna grab lunch or something first?"

"I already packed some sandwiches and snacks!" she said enthusiastically. "Okay great let's go."

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