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Year Seven

"I'm sorry." she whispered. Sirius furrowed his eyebrows. "Sorry?" he asked, fidgeting with his watch.

"I used you to make James jealous! Best friends don't do that to each other!" Y/n exclaimed, getting angry at herself.

Sirius shook his head. "Y/n.. don't worry about it. You're okay. We're okay. I'm not mad, or sad, or anything of the sort. I've moved on." he said, pulling Y/n into a huge hug. "I've moved on." he repeated quietly.

She hugged Sirius back, burying her head into his shoulder.

The two stayed like that for a few minutes. The hug had a peaceful sort of silence to it. As if Sirius and Y/n understood each other more than anything.

They were about to pull apart from the hug, but that was when the door opened. Y/n and Sirius both jerked their heads to face the door.

When they saw who was there, Y/n smirked and Sirius blushed.

"Remus! Hi!" Y/n exclaimed, getting up.

Remus ignored  Y/n, as he was still mad at her. "Sirius, I was looking for you! C-can we, uh, talk?" he asked quietly. Sirius only nodded. Y/n immediately walked out, closing the door behind her, and rushed down the stairs to the Great Hall.

"James, you won't believe what happened!"

Y/n exclaimed, quickly taking a seat next to James. Peter was sitting next to him. "What what what, tell me tell me tell me!" James asked childishly (and quite loudly). Y/n took a deep breath.

"Okay so Sirius and I were hanging out in your dorm room and we were just talking and stuff and then.. guess what! Remus walks in! And he says he wants to talk to Sirius!" Y/n explained without pausing.

"Okay, calm down, love. You're telling me Remus wants to talk to Sirius? In private?" James asked curiously. Y/n only nodded, a smile on her face.

"Oh god." he replies, grinning. Peter only chuckles.

"So, what do you think they're gonna do?" Y/n asked. James shrugged. "I dunno, maybe die of awkwardness or something??" Peter replied. James and Y/n grinned, imagining the weirdness of the situation that they had put Sirius and Remus in.

"Random, but I'm really going to miss Hogwarts. With my whole heart." Y/n exclaimed, putting one hand on the table and another hand in James's hand.

"Can't believe I'm saying this.. but me too. I mean, so much has happened here!" James replied. "A short list: You met Y/n." Peter said, holding back his laughter. "Oh shut up." Y/n replied.

"Seriously, though, Hogwarts is my second home. And Peter's sort of right.. I met you here, and isn't that important?" James said. Y/n blushed. "Yeah.. although we did have periods of time where we hated each other for a bit." she muttered.

James grinned. "Come on, I never hated you, I thought you knew I was just a stubborn 13 year old." he replied. "And don't act like you're innocent either. You always would hex me whenever you had the chance, even though it was only you being stubborn." he added.

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to go study for a bit." Peter muttered, and began to make his way to the Gryffindor common room.

"Remember when we had our first kiss?" Y/n asked, blushing. James nodded. "Ah, it was like, year two. At first I didn't know what i was thinking, but I guess it's all worth it now." he said, chuckling.

"Oh, I know what you mean! Little 11 year old James! Pfft, you used to be so.. dumb!"
Y/n exclaimed, laughing out loud. It was now James's turn to roll his eyes.

"Oh, and then there was the time you asked me out! Wasn't that long ago.. but boy I was surprised!" she said. James grinned. "Good times. Also.. can't believe I'm saying this.. but, how stupid must I have been to date Lily?" he added, shaking his head at his own stupidity.

Y/n laughed. "News flash everyone, news flash!! James Potter! realizing his own mistakes? A shocker, folks!" she exclaimed loudly. "Shut up!" James exclaimed playfully. "Oh, I was so jealous! And don't think I'm on good terms with her. Nope. I hope she falls into the Black Lake." Y/n muttered. James smiled and nodded.

"Either way.. all that has happened has been just for the better."

- meanwhile, at the boys' dorm room -

"W-Whats up, Remus?" Sirius asked, a blush threatening to rise up to his pale face. Remus shrugged awkwardly. "Just wanted to clear up what happened at the Quidditch field. You know what I'm talking about." he muttered, looking at Sirius.

"Oh.. well, are we, like, cool with each other? I don't want something stupid like this to ruin our friendship." Sirius stuttered, embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it, Sirius. Don't worry about it at all. Of course we can still be best friends. I mean, we're Marauders, am I right? But that's not what I came here for." Remus said, his expression and tone becoming serious.

"O-okay, then, what is it?" Sirius asked, as he began to be nervous. What if Remus was gonna tell him bad news?



"Well I just wanted to ask you something. Do you, uh, do you like me?" Remus asked quietly.

"Like you? What do you mean?" Sirius asked, playing dumb.

"Damnit Sirius, you know what I mean. Do you have a, a crush on me?" Remus muttered, becoming impatient.

Sirius blushed. But, we're talking about Sirius Black over here. You really expect him to shy away?

"Yeah.. yeah, I think I do have a crush on you." he whispered.

Remus's face became as red as a tomato.

"Oh god.. Sorry.. I didn't mean t-" Sirius began, but Remus interrupted him.

"I like you too, Padfoot." he muttered.

Sirius grinned.

"Oh my gosh.. really??" he exclaimed, happiness overcoming him.

"Really." Remus replied.


hope ya liked this chapter!
please leave any theories/predictions in the comments! i love reading them!

as always, see you in the next chapter!

- the author, zaina

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