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First Year ~ Part One
Y/n L/n looked in her mirror, making sure she looked nice for her first day of Hogwarts. As she ran her hand through her h/l h/c hair, she wondered how her first day would go. Would she find any friends? Would she be bullied? Would this whole 'magic school' thing be a joke?  Y/n took one last look at her room, put on her sweater and tied her shoes as it was time to leave. 

She got in the car with her mother and father, and off they went to what the rest of  Y/n's life would depend on. The day was beautiful, the sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky. Once they arrivied at the train station, Y/n started worrying more than she already was. Where is platform 9/34?! she thought. Y/n didn't wanna keep her parents waiting, so she lied by saying she knew where the platform was. After she kissed her parents goodbye, she was completely stressed.

Y/n took a look at the clock. 10:47. At least she wouldn't be late.. She leaned against the wall between platform 9 and 10 to sort out her thoughts, but then she fell. She shouted, but once she looked around she realized where she was almost immediately. Platform 9/34. The scarlet train in front of her was stunning. There were many others people, most of which were Y/n's age kissing their parents goodbye. She took another glance at the clock. 10:52. Y/n took a deep breath and entered the train.

Here we go. Since she was rather early, there were many empty compartments. She took her seat and exhaled.  Y/n started wondering about what Hogwarts itself would be like. Would it be like normal school? Would it be strange? Her deep thoughts were interrupted by a voice. "Hello, may I sit here? All the other compartments are full." Y/n jerked her head up to see a tall boy, clearly her age, with messy black hair, hazel eyes, pale skin and round glasses. "S-Sure, why not?" she muttered. "Thanks." said the boy, as he sat down across from Y/n.

"I'm James. James Potter." the boy said. "Hi James, I'm Y/n L/n." Y/n said. She was rather shy, so she tried her best to stay confident and not mess anything up. "Are you a first year too?" James asked. "Yeah, I'm pretty nervous as well." Y/n answered. She went back to staring out the window, until she was interrupted yet again by another voice. She and James looked up to the source of the voice. It was another boy, this one with brown hair down to his shoulders and brown eyes. "Can I sit with you two? There's no more empty seats." the boy said.

He seemed rather kind. James and Y/n took a quick glance at each other and then she said "Go ahead." "By the way, my name is Sirius Black. I'm a first year." the boy said as he took a seat next to James. James looked pretty excited to meet another person, so Y/n let him introduce themselves. "I'm James Potter, and this is Y/n L/n. We're also first years." James said, smiling. "Nice to meet you guys." Sirius said, looking at the two. "Also.. are you two-uh-dating?" he added shyly. "No no no, we only just met!" Y/n blurted out (a little bit too loudly) as James agreed. "Sorry, it just seems like you two would be a good couple." Sirius muttered, trying not to laugh.

The rest of the train ride was great, Y/n, James and Sirius all got along wonderfully. The conversations they had were about 99% jokes and laughter. Y/n certainly wasn't expecting to make such great friends so quickly. Soon enough, the train stopped and they arrived at Hogwarts. Hogwarts was beautiful; a giant castle that seemed very welcoming. The trio of Sirius, Y/n and James exited the train together and once they got out, there was a ginormous man who was probably as tall as the three of them combined standing there. In a booming voice, the man said "Firs' years over here!"

All of the first years got in a line and were told to enter small boats leading to the castle. James, Y/n, Sirius and another boy with brown hair were in the same boat. The boat ride was pretty silent but wasn't that long. Once everyone arrived it was time for the sorting ceremony. Y/n wasn't paying much attention, only looking up if Sirius, James or herself was called.

"James Potter."
Y/n saw the scared look on James' face, but he was clearly trying to hide it. He took a seat on the stool and after a moment, the hat shouted "GRYFFINDOR!" The Gryffindor table clapped and cheered, but so did Y/n.

"Sirius Black"
Sirius was also scared, but it didn't seem like he was trying to hide it very much. The hat took a little bit longer than it did for James, but eventually it shouted out "GRYFFINDOR!" Once again, the Gryffindor table broke out in applause and so did Y/n.

"Y/n L/n"
Here we go.. Y/n's heart beat was suddenly going much faster. She slowly walked up to the stool, sat down and had the hat placed on her head. 'Hmm.. Very smart, but has a kind heart.. Ambitious, yet very brave..' Y/n was very nervous, especially because of the fact that she felt all eyes on her. 'Better be.. GRYFFINDOR!' Y/n relaxed as the Gryffindor table cheered, she could see Sirius and James clapping the most.

Dumbledore gave his speech, and with a casual wave of his hand, tons of food appeared on the tables everyone was sitting by. James and Sirius started stuffing their faces with food immediately, but Y/n was distracted by a boy walking towards the three. She gave James and Sirius a nudge as the boy started speaking. "H-Hi, my name is Remus Lupin. I'm also a Gryffindor, but I noticed the three of you on the train and you seem cool." he muttered. "Hi Remus, I'm Y/n L/n, this is James Potter and that's Sirius Black." Y/n said. Sirius and James gave a quick nod. "Wanna sit with us? You seem cool as well." Sirius said warmly.

"Sure." Remus said. Y/n started to really notice what he looked like. He had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and two scars going diagonally across his face. Strange, I wonder how those got there. Y/n thought. Remus turned out to be really kind, he was funny but seemed to be more responsible than James or Sirius. Overall, they all got along very well.

Remus also took notice of a boy sitting alone who seemed rather lonely, so there was an agreement to offer the boy to sit with James, Remus, Sirius and Y/n. "Hi, what's your name?" James asked curiously. "M-My name is P-P-Peter P-Pettigrew." the boy stuttered. "Well I'm James Potter, here's Y/n L/n, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Peter gave a quick nod, sat down and started eating quickly.

Little did the 5 of them know, this was a friendship that was going to last forever.
This chapter was more of an introduction, the others will be better. I know it doesn't seem like it yet, but this is going to be a a james potter x reader.
All the characters/storylines belong to J.K Rowling except for the ones that I made up.

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