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I slipped past the royal guards hoping not to get caught. Swinging myself up and onto the branch of a tree, I looked down. A few men and a woman hurried under me yelling and shouting random orders.’Finally ran past, pretty quick for some “royal” guards‘. I took a deep breath, my heart raced way faster than it should have. I reached for the wrap that was around my waist and took out the strange peach colored ball. It was almost as if it was embroidered with golden symbols, and jewels.

“Why would Amber want this?” I quietly say to myself.

It felt warm, like it contained power. Magic maybe? Would Amber kill me to open this? Is it dangerous, could I put my peers at risk? I put my other hand out to open it, until I heard the rustle of leaves behind me. I swiftly put the orb back into the pocket under my chest, and jumped down from the tree. I then pulled out my dagger ready to face whoever or whatever came at me. A man jumped down from the trees.

“Whoa, calm down Thistle” he said putting his hands up.

Why does his voice sound so familiar? Wait no one calls me that name… She thought.

“Mason?” I lowered my weapon.The boy took the red mask off his mouth.

“Righteo! How did you guess it?”

“Ugh, I told you to never call me that, why are you here anyway?” I say angrily pushing past him, as he follows close behind me.

“Ms. Worried-Everyone-Is-Going-To-Die-If-They-Go-Out-On-Their-Own, wanted someone to go out and check on you and-"

“Why did you come then?”

“Because no one else volunteered.”

“Nice to know someone cares about me except Ms. Amber and Mr Chance.”

“Everyone does-" Mason started to say something but I heard someone shout, and tackled him behind some bushes.

“Put your mask on" I whisper to him and pull my blue velvet one on as well. He nods and I look up and over the bushes, making direct eye contact one of the queen's guards. He points his crossbow right at me ready to shoot. Mason looks up at me and mouths me to start running. He made the hand gestures to me that he was going to attack while I fled. Nice to know he has been practicing one of his weaknesses. I look back up at the guard and stand up. He shoots right next to my head, I hold my breath and my heart skips a beat, as I look behind me. The arrow had shot at a tree almost right behind me. I keep back a laugh and giggle a bit.

“You’re a horrible shot, someone outta teach you a lesson” I say with a smirk, and jump up onto the tree above us. Mason leaped out from the huge bush and held the man down on the ground.

“Someone pretty weak for one of the queen's royal guards” Mason says with a grin then looks up at me, “I’ll catch up, go!”

I nod and turn my head and start running.  You better…

Just wanted to have a quck intro to see if anyone was intrested in reading I'll work on bigger chapters :)

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